Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ways To Learn Mrs Vandertramp

Ubac [nm]
valley side facing north. From Latin opacus "shaded, dark." If
adret is rather reserved for the cultivation and grazing, the shady forest reserves. (On the Web).

Uberre [nm]
Neuchâtel thermal wind diurnal South-eastern dialect appointed Ober. (...)
smoke mill of the Crowd, driven by a wind uberre, crawls along the coast, skimming the grass and penetrates the wood. (On the Web). The regatta
Obere whose name comes from Uberre, this little south wind that blows over our lake and pronounced with a terrible accent Domdidier became Ober. (On the Web).

A, a [nm, nc]
is commonly used instead of "he, that". A
who knew that ...


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