Sunday, March 2, 2008

Poptropica Cheats Infinate Credits

Rabistoquer [v. tr.]
Adjust, tinkering.

Rabobiner [v. tr.]
Repair somehow. Popular word in France, from Old French. Se
rabobiner: reconciliation
Nobody had courage enough to hunt the "devil" beyond the woods and his father, busy themselves with rabobiner Yveline was careful not to mention his lair ... (On the Web).

Rabotson [nm]
Vaud: small person.
Go, go, calm down. Sit down, Jacques, you're not going rabotson this measure. You have repaired the fountain, you're one of us. Cheers! (On the Web).

Rabotu, rabotue [adj.]
Vaud: rugged, uneven.

Racauquer [v. tr.]
Switzerland: receiving in the hand, catch up, recover.

Raccard [nm]
Valais wooden building used to store the sheaves of grain, with an area for threshing and winnowing, and a stone base for the stabling of the flock or cellar stores. Rascart old spelling, rascardum, Valais dialect Racca. The
Raccard was the breadbasket of our ancestors there stored wheat, dried meat, bacon and sausages. Made of planks of larch and mounted on four pillars, they were placed on large circular plates, which prevented the rodents have access. Today they are bought for the renovations and sometimes even disassemble and reassemble on another website. (On the Web).
In winter, the area of grain stores, the rate applied to get on the evils around. (On the Web).

Racine, yellow root [nf]
Carrot (Daucus carota), racene patois. The word carrot was almost unknown in the early twentieth century. It also called roots all plants whose edible portion is underground.

Squeegee [nm]
scraper, a tool to clean the oven bread, to scrape and scrape the ground. Râclio patois, "scraper" Provencal rasclar.

Racleret [nm]
metal blade attached to the wall and intended to scrape the soles. Deverbal scraping, from Vulgar Latin * * rasiculare rasclare derived from, the past participle of Latin rasus Rader, "shave, scrape '.

Raclette [nf]
Valais: half-fat cheese that is melted and the surface is scraped the plate.
The squeegee was once a feast! A Savièse in the Valais, it served as the entrance to the wedding feast. It would have been 'invented' in the region of Sierre. On a cold day, wine kindled a fire to be able to eat something warm. One of those tenants would have had the idea to heat the cheese over the fire. Raclette, whose name comes from scraping, had seen the day. The name was officially exposure Kantonalbank 1909. (On the Web).
Then, you can enjoy a real Valais Raclette made over a wood fire, with everything you need, usability bonus. (On the Web).

Radeleur [nm]
Lake Geneva: 1. Small boat to take care of passengers.
The first serious accident that we deplore the Geneva since launching the first steamboat, was the tragedy of "Helvetia" off Nyon, in August 1858 which divided into two boat radeleur. Sixteen people drowned. (On the Web).
2. Hire boats. Ulrich was born in Henry
Chigny near Vufflens, July 11, 1849. This is the fifth child. First haircut in Montreux, he decided to go into business and became radeleur in Territet, pes Montreux, praising the 'rowing and sailing "for English or German tourists. (On the Web).

3. Employee who directs and informs the passengers on the docks and receives vessels.
This fish, which belonged to the state, was headed by a highly respected fisherman, John Roche, who had long been radeleur to CGN (On the Web).

Radichon [nm]
Savoy: a miser. The cook is not
radichon on shares and the ingredients are unloaded on the dough single crane. (On the Web).

Radoux [nm]
Jura thaw, undergo softening in winter. From
Radoux winter we always saw it. But the mild autumn extends, extends ... (On the Web).

Raffe [nf]
"Happy New Year, Good Health and Raffe all year." (On the Web).

Rafour [nm]
Lime kiln, kiln. Former French Rafour, "lime kiln, brick, etc.. "Low Latin rafurnus, raffurnum, hybrid of Celtic * ratis," limestone, lime, and Latin Furnus "furnace [to melt ore]," Fornax [calcaria], "four [lime].
And also was ordered to make a Rafour for lime to the walls of the said Church. (Charles A. Roch, La Famille Le Coultre, 1919).

Raguillage [nm]
Switzerland: repair summary.
Aguillage, raguillage, Gogne ... remove these words from our vocabulary and be fine-crafty. (On the Web).

Raguiller [v. tr.]
Switzerland: needles again, replace, repair summarily.

Stiff as justice Berne [expr.]
Extremely stiff, stern, stiff. When the Bernese occupation, justice of the occupant was very severe.
It is commonly said of a character said in the Vaud he is "stiff as the justice of Bern". (On the Web).

Grapes [nm]
sugarless jam, made from grapes pressed or sweet wine, cooked to a boil with wedges of various fruits.
She has mentioned that the grape jelly, led culinary typical high-stem orchards. (On the Web).

Raisinée [nf]
The raisinée, also known as mulled wine, is a concentrated fruit juice (apple or pear) cooked over low heat for hours. It is often confused with the grape.
In November 1995 a "great first" because we made a raisinée at which Savignolans were able to participate. (On the Web).

Raisinets [nm pl.]
Switzerland: red currant (Ribes rubrum) in Geneva says: Grapes of March (depending on the pronunciation patois, s no agreement). Called mackerel with gooseberries gooseberries (Ribes uva Crispi).
Although very different in appearance, currants, and cassis raisinets all belong to the same botanical genus, they are Ribes. (On the Web).

Rajouture [nf]
Adding Element added. (...)
hatch origin is actually sees more because of this bump, it's more than rajouture enhancement! (On the Web).

Picks [nf]
Descend picks: down a snowy slope by standing crouching and sliding on snow. Originally, the pick was a bundle of branches on which they would install the passengers to let them down steep mountain passes.
For Sylvie and Eric is a baptism, particularly for the downhill picks which will cause some cooling of the posterior! (On the Web). Pick

[v. tr.]
Gather, harvest, even in height. Going
pick a salad for lunch I found her in the garden where she binait, weeding, weeding, transplantation. (On the Web). So
for failing to take the scale of firefighters to pick cherries, I transplanted the tree in a very low stem (...) (On the Web).

Ramassoire [nf]
Switzerland: small shovel sweepings, used with époussoir. The swallows
dust VacPan TM replaces ramassoire hand and allows you to use the full power of your core for sweeping the dust. (On the Web).

Ramepois, ramiure [nf]
Savoy oar, branch used as props under the peas and beans.

Sweeper [nm]
Epi wild plant which is placed upside down in his sleeve. The movements of the arm are back like cleaning out if it.

Rampon [nm]
Switzerland: vegetable, called in French chews (Valerianella olitoria.). To be exact, the Rampon is a variety of chew. The chews
those varieties : Lanchettes, Bourset mouth, pale, shell, lettuce, galinette, oily, soft grass, lettuce, lamb, hare's ear, canon salad, corn salad, Rapunzel and Rampon. (On the Web).

Raouatter [v. intr.]
Vaud: search, rummage, scrape. (...) I
the back of the throat raouatte a cat. (On the Web).

Grater [nm]
Flu-sub, stingy, stingy. Corresponds to French cheapskate. They are awfully
grater (sic) in this family.

Grate on the hair [loc. v.]
Switzerland: fly through the plumes.
We recall also the stewards / facilitators that is forbidden to spit over the edge, on pain of being "grate" (sic) on the hair. (On the Web).

Rapercher [v. tr.]
Switzerland: collect, fetch.
I do not quite see why the committee decided, if I may say, "rapercher" 50-5 for this process under the "Responsibility of the State". (Philippe Nordmann, on the Web).

patch up [v. tr.]
mending a garment, crudely repaired. Repètassà Vaudois dialect, "patch", Occitan petaçar of Petaca, "cloth, a piece of cloth," Latin pittacium " patch, piece on a shoe, "the Greek pittakion. This term was widespread in France.
He did not throw the block on which it sits, busy sewing up a burlap bag for sulphate, or to patch up a watering can. (On the Web).

Rapicoler [v. tr.]
Switzerland: return of the force, re-energize.
An antidote exists yet against the blues of the season: open your eyes to the exotic rapicolant its territory daily flipping "The Backpacker, Switzerland, 2004-2005". (L'Express, on the Web).

Raponce, answer shortly, rapponse [nf]
Adding, part added; attached location where two elements are added. See rappondre.
Access: by the via ferrata, common starting the fourth dihedral Garin length, 5 meters farther than the raponce cables, use the relay to not interfere with ferrate. (On the Web). The answer shortly
between the tubes is not an ordinary solder, but a spring that greatly dampens the shocks from the rear wheel. (On the Web).
Before I give you all the details on the resonators, I noticed that the tube "rapponse" between the reso and the elbow is very fragile. (On the Web).

Rappondre [v. tr.]
Join, end to end, add, appondre prefix repetitive.
You can make variants like the mustache, two joints rapondu (sic) by their end with a filter paper, where we make a hole to shoot. (On the Web).
A Loved cement and bricks, they rappondu leftover wall. (On the Web).

Rappondu [nm]
A very tall man. Past participle of rappondre used substantively.
you had not seen a great rappondu about 16 years old jalopy to the body with a shirt or a denim jacket and blue jeans, black hat Australia, a ponytail, black cowboy boots and sunglasses, and probably a cigar in his mouth ? If yes, then bein know it was me! ! ! (On the Web).

Rapportapet [nm]
Geneva: rapporteur whistleblower. Deformation-related package that has the same meaning. They sang:
Who farts in a cone
Who is going to Coppet
Who r'vient with a bunch!

Ratasser [v. intr.]
Savoy move objects, rummaging, repeat.
one at 3000m Ceiling allows us to cut straight to Mount Mirantin. while the "fighters" who are ahead shot straight Charvin, I prefer to go through and ensure Bisanne. then here I am in ratasser a hollow winding everything that happens to not return to terra firma ... (On the Web).

Rate [nf]
Switzerland: the sun's reflection in a mirror glass. Make the spleen, with a dazzling mirror.

Rake [nm]
Flu-sub, stingy, stingy. Old French terrier, "miser", also "thief, robber, by attraction paronymic tool with the same name.
The husband - yeah, great example, if full of sorrel is because it is like rake Arpagon (sic). In addition, he and his buddy old, continue to flirt with beautiful plants in the building! (On the Web).

Rates, rats [n. pl.]
milk teeth, teeth of a child. Let me see your

Rauf [nf]
Switzerland: brawl, quarrel. German Rauferei "brawl, quarrel, raufen" fight. " This is the
rauf soup every night.

mending [v. intr.]
In addition to the French sense of "mend" the verb would also Michaille (and Quebec) the meaning of "keep moving, browse [Roby, in litt.] and in the canton of Vaud of "bargain".

Rave [nf]
Turnip. Stewed turnips, radishes, minced and fermented.
You will not forget either that the sauce to give rave rave (sic) a good appetite. (On the Web).

Ravioule, raviule [nf]
"croquettes or fritters of mashed potatoes, baked potatoes in their skins, peeled, crushed, pureed, bound with eggs, flavored, flavored with herbs ( chervil, chives, minced garlic, parsley, and even raisins ...), shaped into balls or dumplings is rolled in flour and browned (fried) in a skillet with butter or half a centimeter oil (to serve with a green salad). " [Viret].

Ravoir [v. tr.]
Recover, clean a very dirty object, a container attached.
If you do not bleach to get back a saucepan another trick is to use coffee grounds. (On the Web).

Rebat [nm]
Lake Geneva: diurnal thermal wind that blows from the sea towards the coast. Its name comes from the local name of the roller harrows.
When his strength is less than 5 beaufort on Grand Lake, the Bise may withdraw on the Swiss side and leave space for the Rebat during the hottest hours of the day. (On the Web).

rebibes [nf]
Switzerland: Chip Cheese hard cheese.
Young, the Sbrinz planed and is generally presented in chipped. (On the Web).

Rebioller [v. intr.]
Savoy resume power, pep, push, take effect. Biollet of "Shoot, rejection."
I also like the [chard], especially in the early spring, they are more tender, winter home ground parts freeze, but it rebiolle spring. (On the Web).

Rebiquer [v. intr.]
recover to the point, looking back. Rebecque Old French, "to rise like a beak." Fairly widespread in France, also in the sense of "rebellion."
It is always dapper, dressed in red, her hair, which in every sense rebique illustrates the explosive imagination that inhabits it. (On the Web).

Reblochon [nm]
Haute-Savoie cheese yellow ivory lightly pressed, uncooked cheese produced in the region of tuna and Aravis. Reblochon, fruit, produced on the farm, to the greengrocer. R'blostâ Savoyard dialect, "milk again, and regional dialect patois blostâ blocher," milk ".
Reblochon was born in the 13th century in the valley of Tuna, Haute-Savoie. (On the Web).

reboil [V. tr.]
Switzerland: stir, stir, dig.
Living in our leafy city may cause some inconvenience caused by wild boars that come "reboil" in lawns. (On the Web).

Rebus [nf]
Return of cold weather.
Not a soul in the village street which seems numbed by that nasty junk. (Jean-François Aubert, on the Web). Employing

Switzerland: author of a lawsuit.
The procedure is conducted in French or German at the option of using. (On the Web).

Recrotzon [nm]
Freiburg: Feast which takes place a week or two after Bénichon, with dinner and dancing.
Monday, Chantal Bussard Boschung and Raphael have "asked" their long string of trailers and trailer on the Place du Grand Clos Chatel-St-Denis. A town where they stay two weeks, and for Bénichon recrotzon. (On the Web).

Reculet (in) [loc. adv.]

Resize [v. tr.]
Switzerland: restructure (a business).
For my part, I would consider at least three steps to resize the role of the state: (...) (On the Web).

Collapse [v. tr.]
Switzerland romande: storing.
you reduce your toys before coming to dinner!

Collapse (se) [v. pron.]
Switzerland: Go home, go to bed.
It's time to shrink. Reduces

Switzerland: closet, storage, storage.
That'll teach me not to go on vacation. And live in a closet. (Anne Rivier, Public Domain, 13 August 1998). Reduces
The National: A set of fortifications dug into the Alps during the Second World War.
[Marius Corbat] took a large part in the study of national and reduces its organization. (On the Web).

Redzipet [nm]
Switzerland: reporter, informer, informant.
Herewith, each week, our "Redzipet, summary, date and horraires (sic) activities. (On the Web). Regent

Vaud, Savoie schoolmaster.
In the same class, there were 4 divisions and the Regent could not take care of all. (On the Web).

Regicler [v. intr.]
squirt again, rebound, see squirt.
The mortar takes it nicely with a ruler. If necessary, regicler wet on wet and smooth again. (On the Web).

regummed [V. tr.]
Switzerland: retreading (tire).
Only tires may be branded remould. (On the Web).

Rewash [v. tr.]
Switzerland: wash, especially washing dishes.
A little detergent (liquid for rewashing). (On the Web). Religious

Switzerland: crust that forms at the bottom of the fondue pot, or edges of raclette cheese. Second
pleasure reserved for eating fondue, eat a nun. (On the Web).

Remointses [nf]
Patois Valais see Remuage, Think.
Remointses: User activity mountain which is a back and forth seasonally adjusted between different floors of a homestead. Move to a temporary place where we take the herd and the household (furniture and utensils necessary for domestic life). (On the Web).

Remoli [v. tr.]
Vaud kiss.
I Remoli all. Federal

lift [loc. nf]
Stud Federal service which provided the horses of the Swiss army.
Initially it serves to lift federal employee and thereafter technical group of the General Staff. (On the Canvas).

Remuage [nf]
1. Transhumance movement of people and herds from winter homes and summer. Prefix re-and former French moult, "stir", Latin mutare "move, move, and down Latin remutare" stir. " The direction to move somebody, "the move" is attested in the seventeenth century.
The population of this area [of Muraz] was composed largely of people of St. Luke and Chandolin who did the stirring twice a year. (On the Web).
2. Moving cows to a pasture to another depending on the growth of grass and the disappearance of risks avalanche.
The master herdsman who decides when the riddling.

3. Travel winter livestock barn-barn-barn to eat the hay barn earned.
"riddling" Lavanchy winter to early 20th century. (On the Web).

Think [nf]
1. Alpine chalet occupied temporarily during riddling.
Each move (small mountain hut) included a manufacturing room and a layer for the staff. (On the Web).
1. Synonymous with stirring. The Center asserts
and stirs rural is replaced by innovation and commercial craft. (On the Web).
Between May and June, the valleys come alive with the sounds of bells and the slow rise in the pasture. This is the "brain", the climb to the cottage which stands in the middle of pastures dominated by snowy peaks again. (On the Web).

Rendering, made [adj.]
Switzerland: winnowed.
Oh, no, three hours of cycling this morning, I went ... and then I want this game soon ... (On the Web).

sniffing [nm]
Vaud nose. Sniffing.

Renquiller [nm]
Replace. Originally, straighten the pins fell, the game of bowls.
In fact I had left the garage to make it a good toilet but it's been a week and I had started for the renquiller in the basement. (On the Web).

Renquilleur [nm]
person or mechanism that raises the pins at bowling.
Above Pine Deck, is the pine spotter (renquilleur). He is responsible for asking and remove the pins. (On the Web). The
Renquilleur: title of a popular item which appeared in the satirical newspaper "La Suisse", then in the "Journal de Geneve et Gazette de Lausanne". Journalist Raoul
Riesen, said "The Renquilleur, recites, in the Journal Geneva and Lausanne Gazette ", the infinite time that has elapsed since that referendum (...) (Elisabeth Eckert, on the Web). Enter

[v. tr.]
is often used to enter, to enter.
Map Vitale begins to return to morals, especially in the provinces. (On the Web). Reverse

Switzerland: coffee, for which we pay first the milk into the cup or glass, then coffee.
The customer can take away or enjoy espresso, cappuccino, spilled tea, mineral water, beer, wine, sandwiches, pastries and cakes. (On the Web).

Repétasser [v. tr.]
Switzerland: repair, fix, patch up. French repetasser old, same meaning. Well I'll
repetasser my thing in illustration. (On the Web).

be filled [v. tr.]
Switzerland: filled, stop the vacancy.
Check out the Vacancies page of the Faculty of Sciences. (On the Web).

Ressat [nm]
Vaud banquet to celebrate the end of a job.
[Candidates for the Brotherhood of the waves] are appointed at the Ressat usually held at the Chateau d'Oron, during which they are inducted. (On the Web).

Retaillon [nm]
Bout bark remaining after the peeling of a log, wood chip, prefix repetitive and derivative re-cutting. The
"retaillons" the legislature: Mr. Berger (POPs) do not miss one. (...) He spoke again: Earlier, we introduced Mr. Didisheim as director of Marvin. I should have said then that Mr. Botteron himself is dismissed from Haefeli ... (Archives de L'Express, 1975, on the Web).

Revenette [nf]
Switzerland: return, however. Beware of

Riclette [nf]
Switzerland: diarrhea, common. Ricla patois, ricllia, Latin risclare "have diarrhea." I
floppettes the livers of riclette (Le Beau Lac de Bâle, on the Web).

Nothing [pron. INDEF.]
Savoie expressed surprise and dismay.
Since we know this news, there is nothing.
With a repetition of the negation, not nothing expresses what is sufficient.
The salary he has for his age, it's not nothing.

Nothing (do) [pron. INDEF.]
Oh, do not be afraid of the dog, it's nothing bad.

alone seeing I see [loc.]
Savoy : Obviously.
So yer school, just by seeing qu'c'est I see the chance of my life. Thank you! Farewell ... (On the Web).

Rigolaude [adj. f.]
I wanted to revive it before the little girl who was so eager to show others that she was and she wanted to be rigolaude. (On the Web).

Riguenette [nf]
Riguenette! This is a day that I like ... I fell to my email box that has continued to fill with all that stupid jokes to each other, but often made me laugh! (On the Web).

Rimaye [n. f]
Crevasse between the moving parts of a glacier or snowfield of the fixed portion attached to the rock. Savoyard word (pronounced rhyming) from the Latin rima, "splits, cracks, crevices, with the suffix-aye and passed into the French vocabulary.
Trivia: his approach, the climber can then undergo bergschrund of evil that drives him to excuse excuses more or less misleading to abandon the race. (On the Web).

Flushed [nf]
Aversa, heavy rain, thunderstorms.
And wham, a flushed. The road is bumpy, great! (On the Web).

Ringal [v. intr.]
1. Bugging. 2. Repeat several times the same thing. 3. Linger, tarry. The Tilt
Ringal with Pierre Chaix, peddler of tales and legends of Savoy ... (On the Web).

Ringalet [nm]
Saddle, slowpoke, nonchalant.
Is there a big demand ringalet spotty or not if he has one great? (On the Web).

Ringues [v. tr.]
Switzerland: Drag or move with difficulty. Formerly meant "fight", German ringen, same meaning.
syringe is the 4-ton block ... (On the Web).

Riolle, rouelle [nf]
Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis and Calystegia sepium).

Rioul (make) [loc. v.]
Partying, away from home.
Do not worry, this weekend I probably will not do anything anyway .. nothing planned for now ... so we'll do the whole Rioul on the forum! (On the Web).

Rioul [v. intr.]
strongly meow like a cat caught by a cat in heat.

Riset, Rizet [nf]
Switzerland: root of rice used to make brushes wirehaired, now replaced by the root of a Mexican plant, the zacaton.
brush to roughen the soil Rizet plant, with 2 holes for neck, sleeveless. (On the Web).

Rissole [nf]
Small boot topped with a sweet pear stuffing with raisins and spices, stew called, was being prepared especially for Christmas.
In the kitchen, called a primer browned pastry, sweet or salty, which generally half-moon shape and stuffed. (On the Web).

Ristrette, ristretto [nm]
Switzerland: small strong coffee, it also says: espresso. From italin ristretto "small".
To make a ristretto, the coffee dose is still 7 grams per cup. (On the Web).

RIUL [nf]
rehashed, grunt [Constantine].

Rival [nm]
Aged: small stream, a slope near a stream or ravine. From Latin rival, "who stands on the banks," adjective derived from Rivus "stream, watercourse".

Rocand [v. tr.]
Geneva ask.

Rode [nf]
Lakes Romand: tip of the bow of a boat.
Finally, the wreck of Saint-Gingolph has certain "peculiarities" of which the most significant is the fin and attached to the base of the rode. (On the Web).

Rode (to be) [loc. v.]
Being on the road, travel, hang out.
the middle of the night, the sheep dogs began to bark in unison, they probably smelled the presence of a wolf to prowl. (On the Web).

Roesti, Roest, hash browns, rosti [nm inv.]
Switzerland: boiled potatoes, sliced and fried in a skillet. The
Roest, rosti, or roeustis reuchtis, prepares (sic) with cooked potatoes cooled or raw, grated (sic) into thin strips and toast with fat in a pan where they form a golden brown and cake crisp. It may, according to taste (sic) add onions, mushrooms, cheese or bacon. (On the Web). The
Röstigraben: the boundary between western Switzerland and the Swiss-German, by analogy with the Iron Curtain, German Röstigraben, "Rösti ditch". That's another story
Röstigraben, therefore earthen pot romand cons iron pot speaking. (Philippe Barraud, on the Web).

Rogne (searching) [loc. v.]
quarrel, quarrel. According to Father Robert, the term Savoy, Geneva and Lyon, has been introduced in Paris in the nineteenth century.

Trimming, Rogneux [adj.]
Switzerland: grouchy moaner. Word from Old French: Rogneux [Trimming] euse. adj. Who is mad. Rogneux a child. Rogneux a dog. (Dictionary of the French Academy, First edition, 1694).
We strive to be good guys,
When the opponent is brave and courageous and brave,
But when dealing with jackasses,
The Malleysans and guillotines are bad - one, two. (The Song of Malley, Malley-Star Sports in Lausanne, on the Web).

Roille, roillée [nf]
1. Very heavy rain. The
Chenit found in this site should be well find elsewhere ... and without roille or cramine. (On the Web).
2. Series of strokes, correction.
Coulet Alexandra gets wet for the Thermal Centre "The roillée, Geneva or is it romand" It's 9 am, Alexandra Coulet landed smart and dolled Centre Thermal Yverdon, texts freshly handwritten (24 hours, 8 April 2006, on the Web).

Roillé [adj.]
Crazy, stupid. You're
roillé is not noon we dined. (On the Web).

Roille-kids [nm]
Vaud: teacher, school teacher, who roille kids.
Let the kids roille-law to slap or administer electro-shock the poor. (On the Web).

Roiller [v. tr. and intr.]
1. [V. intr.] Rain pours.
(...) he started roiller but roiller, I never saw it ... (On the Web).
2. [V. tr.] strike with repeated blows.

Rondeau [nm]
Geneva roundabout.
The Rondeau is the culmination of all the walks that leave from the Pont Neuf. Since antiquity, the two main routes of imperial Little St. Bernard by Annecy and Vienna Seyssel meet at Rondeau, a famous crossroads (Quadruvium). (On the Web).
Native species planted and wild Rondeau Bougeries were arranged according to their light requirements and soil in several small groups of shrubs. (On the Web).

Rongeon [nm]
What remains of food (fruit, bread, etc..) That one has eaten. Teeth in poor condition. Rondzon patois. Obviously
Oliver was a little ashamed to win despite rongeon that allowed him to put as many points ... and even the redneck's President ... there is scheming ... ! ? And yet! (On the Web).

Ronner [v. intr.]
Grumbling, especially when talking about dogs (pronounced ron-ner). Probably the Latin grunnire apheresis, "growl, talking pig. "
I also specified that she never snarled or Ronner against me or another human (or dog). (On the Web).

Ronneur, ronneuse [nm, nc]
person who constantly growls and trifles.

Roussette [nf]
Savoie white wine or Bugey occurs only with grape fruit bat (or HH).
[The diots] Serve with dogfish (Savoyard white wine) quite fresh, and mustard. (On the Web).

Kingdom (se) [v. pron.]
Switzerland: relax, have fun.
The days of players at the end of career chose (sic) to kingdom with Neuchatel YS because the lake was not far gone. (On the Web).

Rublon [nm]
Savoy old thing useless.

Ruclon [nm]
1. Clusters of old things, thrown into excavation. The press
ruclon can cultivate closeness (Distinction on the Web).
2. Heap of garbage composting plant.
We even have a small garden where we planted a rose bush that was found in a ruclon. (On the Web).

Ruclonner [v. tr.]
Tinkering, handle or collect old objects. Hundreds of millions
men, women, children starving, others are forced to ruclonner on heaps of garbage, (...) (On the Web).

Rude [adv.]
Switzerland: roughly, in the sense of many, very. A rough
good guy, who listens to good music, drinks beer and Orangina, not leave home ... (On the Web).

Ruper [v. tr.]
Switzerland: eat greedily and quickly, from Old French reup "burp".
(...) I want to say that currently the Chinese (sic) important (sic) our St. Bernard to eat. Symbol of Switzerland and much more Ruper .... (On the Web).

Rutabaga [nm]
Savoy cariolle, trailer.
Come on, climb in my rutabaga, that way there.


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