Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tom Et Lola Full Movie

Sacogner [v. tr.]
Savoy: to shake violently.

Sagattée [nf]
Savoy action to remonstrate, shaking action.

Sagattes [v. tr.]
shake violently. And as the purge
went wrong, obviously, has (sic) force Sagattes pedal has (sic) vacuum, the MC finally on vacation. (On the Web).

Sagattes [nm]
Savoy traveling butcher kills a pig in winter in houses and Faucigny By Chablais, this word often has a pejorative connotation. Savoyard patois Sagat, "Butcher of campaign that does not know his job well," Sagat, "shake brutally tug" [Constantine]. Former regional sagaterie word "butcher meat for the low," which comes from Old French Sagattes "massacre".

Sagnard [nm]
Neuchâtel : Take a tour of Sagnard: detour, the Sagnard being deemed good walkers. The long strides
Gilbert Perret-Gentil emmènent the A direction Celerina, then make him do a round of "Sagnard" in Samedan, Bever pass to Punt but this group succumbed to the charms of a pretty terrace. (On the Web).

Saignette, saignotte [nf]
saignette western Switzerland, Jura saignotte, "yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Seasonal

Switzerland: foreign worker the benefit of a temporary permission to stay, not allowed to bring his family. Seasonal status was abolished in 2002.
As for the status of seasonal abolished, there is no example of how those involved may be brought before their entitlement to social benefits. (On the Web).

Salt Sugar [loc. nf]
Vaud: salt dough braid which is spread on a preparation of cream and sugar.
The salt is a pastry made of a pastry base and a topping - cheese sauce, cream and sugar, beaten eggs and bacon, etc.. That is the Valley of Illiez sugar, butter and cinnamon. (On the Web). This little salty
Sugar expresses the metaphysics of Vaud, together with its "neither yes nor no, quite the opposite," shows how he would kiss the ground range of possibilities! (Pierre Hugli, on the Web).

Salon-wash [nm]
Switzerland: laundromat.
The laundry-room: meeting places ... amazing! (On the Web).

Salvagnin [nm]
red wine canton of Vaud, from a blend of Gamay and Black Pinot. French Regional Salvagnin "vine early, tight grain and small bunches red", [Constantine].
Our red wine comes from the real plan Salvagnin that one was in the area early in the century and which gave its name later to red Vaudois after the discontinuation of its production because of low yield of this plant. (On the Web).

Samaritan [nm]
Switzerland: aider (name of association).
Yet the Samaritan is not recognized as a health professional. (On the Web).

Sandrouille [nf]
Female messy, cacographie of cendrouille derived from ash with the pejorative suffix-ouch.

Strap [nm]
steep trail, horizontal, or grassy ledge. In Valais dialect Singla, Latin cingula " webbing belt.
After a cave, the path becomes a belt and quickly found the bifurcation of the rise in the yellow cliff. (On the Web). Without further

[loc. adv.]
Switzerland: without further ado. Germanism: ohne weiteres.
While you can without moving another change of direction. (On the Web).

Health! [Interj.]
Switzerland: cheers, to your health!
Health and Conservation in a fortnight at the same time! (A quarter of an hour Vaud, P. Chevallier and S. Budry).

Sarcloret [nm]
Switzerland: hoe. Bottom Latin Sarir " weed. "

Sauce Coffe [loc. nf]
Chablais and Faucigny: dishes pig offal.
Each year the second Sunday of October, the parish council is organizing a meal, used to gather around the traditional "Sauce Coffe. (On the Web).

Sautier [nm]
Geneva: Permanent Secretary and Director of the Grand Council. Originally, this term refers to a forest ranger. Saultier Old French, from the sault, "timber", Latin saltus "space that is both wooded and grassy." The
Sautier was, from the fifteenth century, the chief guardian of the watchtowers and the Townhouse, where he was staying. (On the Web).

Schader [v. intr.]
Switzerland: hurry, hurry. Perhaps the German Schaden.

Schind [v. tr.]
View Chindia.

Schlaguée [nf]
Switzerland: correction. From German schlagen, "beat".
"I flanked a schlaguée to my girlfriend." With these words, a girl of eight years began his charge with a tender voice, restrained but very serious. (On the Web).

Schlampe [nf]
Neuchâtel woman lazy, lazy. Schlampe German, "slut".
You can always tell your teacher that is a Schlampe
if not worse if you do not want too break your neck you use Google language tool where you go on and make yourself happy. (On the Web).

Schlarque [nf]
Jura see jerky.

Schlass [adj. inv.]
Switzerland: drunk.
Nobody else has seen anything, and the two boxers are more than Schlass Pumpkinmen a 31 October. (On the Web).

Schlouk [nm]
Switzerland: sip small quantities. Schluck German, same meaning.
schlouk A good rum and some lime zest into deco. Serve with a scoop of ice vanilla and a little whipped cream. (On the Web).

Schmarotzer [v. tr.]
Switzerland: steal, steal. From German schmarotzen, "live as a parasite."
Schmarotzer I got my watch.

Schmolitz (do) [loc. v.]
Switzerland: tu pass a drink.
But how it works is it different from these historical precedents that beaches are "forbidden to Jews and dogs", the bus seats reserved for whites and student societies trembling at the idea of a schmolitz woman? (On the Web).

Schneuquer [v. intr.]
Jura rummage, rummage. From German schmökern, "read a book."

Schtossée [nf]
Shock, francization Stoss German, "sudden shock".

Schwenser [v. intr.]
Neuchâtel be truant, missing classes. Word from German.
You have a fast connection to download these wonders? No? sorry, should not "schwenser" Charly Egger courses to understand the difference between 56K, broadband, and so on. (On the Web).

Saw boot [loc. nf]
Handsaw shape curved. The large size
starts with the base of the shrub, with the boot and saw the big shears for dead wood. (On the Web).

Sawing Wood [loc. v.]
Snoring loudly and regularly. (...)
an excellent meal, a last beer and all night in bed for a very eventful. (Our guide sawn lumber all night!) (On the Web).

Sechard [nm]
Lake Geneva: diurnal thermal wind which blows from east to northeast along the axis of the lake. But
rapidly with the arrival of a thinning, a Sechard (E and NE) arises on the Lake. (On the Web).
beating, green rebuke, correction, blow brutal deep intoxication. A country that buys
Nazi Germany for not taking a shaken (as they have done for a (sic) Belgium), I do not call it a neutral country but a bunch of cowards. (On the Web). The cocktail
octodurien was drunk. Put a few drops of Cardello, a quarter of Tuckova, Tabasco marked Moua, and you pick up a shake that you do not know, really, if you can recover. (On the Web).

Secret [nm]
Jura sets of practices used by traditional healers, or to Heal relieve remote patient without resorting to medicine.
My Doctor has the "secret." (Issue of TSR).

Cuttlefish [nf]
Lake Geneva: rapid variation in water level.
The water level of the lake often varies from 0.6 to 1.5 meters in half an hour. Variations in atmospheric pressure at different points of the lake water are the cause of this phenomenon, known as a "seiche." (On the Web).

Seille [nf]
Big wooden bucket, metal bucket, plastic today. Silli patois, a former French Marseilles, "bucket, jug, bucket," Gallo-Roman seel, Latin Sitel situla, "bucket". Isac
Candal, had been transferred to 3 batz, for putting a pail to soak compote in the basin before the house of common. (On the Web).

Seillon [nm]
small pail, a former French Seillon, 'small bucket. " The
pail or container is Seillon stave fir or larch. They were mainly used, the feeder, tub for laundry and for all agricultural and domestic activities such as milking cattle. (On the Web). A
Seillon is a small wooden bucket with flared edges, provided with a handle made of a single opening pronlongement breakthrough in a moat, used as a container for various things but in particular to collect milk at milking. (On the Web).

Senaille [nf]
Switzerland: cowbell, cowbell.
In small workshops, we then shared their joy and pride of the notes they left our different bowl Thune, Alphorn, didgeridoo, djembe, and other senailles. (On the Web).

Senailler [v. intr.]
Switzerland: ringing the bell to ring.

Senator [nm]
Lower Tarentaise see zills.

Seneau [nm]
Switzerland: so bell cow. Reason
a bell Viglino 1867 (seneau). (On the Web).

Sepion [nm]
Vaud sepion smell, "feel the burn."

Septuagint [adj. num. inv.]
The seven participants experienced this weekend recreation as a real party (C. Haymoz). (On the Web).

Sérac [nm]
block or cluster of blocks of ice due to the fragmentation of a glacier. This term is spent in French. Serac of "cheese" metaphor.
The flow velocity and terrain will cause tension in the mass of the glacier, these tensions will give rise to cracks and crevasses. (On the Web).

Sérac, quark [nm]
fresh white cheese compact thin. Old Password Regional Seret, former dialect will, serat, Latin serum, "whey". The
serac is made with the whey that remains after making cheese. (On the Web). To make
quark, it is necessary to heat the milk in a pot that is 420 liters. (On the Web).

Serpe [nf]
Vaud slanderous person. Probably apocope snake.
The men had a drink in speaking of the deceased friend and in the upper chamber where it stands, the Rosette, So the widow, pouring tea for everything the village has barjaques, and especially of tabousses pruning hooks. (Itten and Roger Albert Bastian, on the Web).

Serraillon [nm]
Locksmith, Locksmith in particular a little clever. Savoyard patois saralion [Constantine]. The Latin is, "lock".

clamp skates [nm]
A miser, one who holds back spending. Tightening the skate wheel of a chariot stop.

Lock [nf]
Miser, who was barely out of his money. Old French tight, same meaning.

Service [nm]
Switzerland: covered, including knife, spoon and fork. Dinnerware, salad, etc..
We need services and glasses are placed in a position to use. (On the Web).

Service! [Interj.]
Switzerland: I beg you, at your service! Serve

[v. tr.]
Switzerland: use, use. Be served: finished.
The sommelier asks the client: You are served?

Only (do) [adv.]
At your option, therefore, I beg you.
Teaching French in western Switzerland in school? Play Now! (On the Web).

Siclée [nf]
Scream, ciclée see.
few years ago, any modern urban viewer would have rebelled at the sight of UR-Musig. He would have hated these Helvetii old stock with their pipes to cover their twisted stumps, their earrings, these cowboys trumpeting a bit of a mistake by the window before launching a powerful siclée facing the sky. (On the Web).

Pentacles [v. intr.]
shriek, see cicle.

Signofil, signofile [nm]
Switzerland: Flashing a vehicle.
Wanting to veer left to engage in street Desor, he raised his signofil and slows his pace. (Collection Case of the Swiss Federal Court, on the Web).
We thus see which side blinks the signofile. (On the Web).

Single stroke [loc. nf]
The ticket race and return ticket are valid for the course chosen by the traveler. (On the Web).

Sixtus [nm]
Switzerland: clip or hairpin.
The technician will ask you to remove any metal capable of degrading the MRI image. This includes Sixtus (hairpins), jewelry, eyeglasses, (...) (On the Web).

Sizelin [nm]
Savoy wooden bucket, then tin or aluminum for milking, pulling the tap water or wine and cider. The era poza
itsèfo dechu na sala feta pil Pove meter is the robin sizelin Dezo pil repraeudrâ the laeucho. (On the Web).

Snieule, sniule [nf]
Neuchâtel snieule or as segneule, sgneule, Savoy sniule. Ritornello, saw, boring rehash. Sniula Savoyard dialect, "crank, easy man to lead; slowpoke" [Constantine].
Music is noise! Stop your snieule! No, James Blunt was not born into a family of musicians, no, his dad was not playing the piano, let alone the ukulele, nor his mother for that matter! (On the Web).
Also: a person who repeats, who Rabache that train that rehash.
For cons, I might get tired of the man, it is also sniule you and deliver it on the carpet still on the same issues. (On the Web).

Sniuler [vi]
Savoy repeat so tedious, boring. Savoyard patois sniula "dawdling" [Constantine].
Maybe also because we spend too much time waiting and not enough sniuler our elected officials, they let us stew in Rhônalpes for so many years. (On the Web).

Soccol [nminv.]
Switzerland: sort of wooden clogs. Italian zoccoli "shoes", from Latin * soccum, "kind of shoe."
She hates both the genus and mop Soccol "qu'affectent feminists of the first hour, than young dumb slaves of fashion. (On the Web). Caring

[v. tr.]
Switzerland: store carefully.

Soir [nm]
Tonight: yesterday evening. It also said last night.

Solothurn (on) [ibid.]
Expression Vaud: drunk, drunk.
Barges carrying [on the channel Entreroches] merchandise and more particularly wine. That is why in the region, when we meet someone a bit tipsy, it is said "to Solothurn. Indeed, upwards Aare, after loading the nectar of the "Côtes de l'Orbe, the sailors did not hesitate to taste ... ! (On the Web).

Sommelière [nf]
Switzerland: café waitress.
Whether the employer, a publican, had not sought sexual favors from the complainant, a sommelier. (On the Web).

Sonnaille [nf]
Grand toupin brought to the pasture by cow's dominant herd. A
toupin, a cowbell, a bell understood in the valleys below. (On the Web).

Doorbell [nf]
Valais: iron bell worn by livestock in the pasture. The bells called the Valais
bells, they have a slightly different Toupins Vaud. (On the Web).

Soque [nf]
Switzerland: sort of wooden soled sandal, from Latin * soccum, "kind of shoe."
Joseph is wearing a loose white shirt sleeves rolled up and a brown leather apron, he also carries soques double strap. (On the Web).

Sou [nm]
In Switzerland: five cents.
It is true that in a week a little more order will reign, and no one will pay more than twenty cents. (On the Web). A
franc piece: a five-franc piece, a crown.
Sylvie, you have no sense of five-franc piece, the money you burn your fingers, you'll end up like Job, on a dunghill. (On the Web).

Souci (gain) [loc. v.]
Savoy, Lyons deciding to travel, to leave a company.
not matter, we must take care, we should perhaps consider putting together business. (On the Web).
Switzerland: worry, worry.
I began to do this to gain attention and concern of my purse. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Confessions).

Dinner [v. intr. and nm]
Take the evening meal, dinner.
The Committee shall convene the Annual General Meeting which takes place before the annual dinner (usually just before Christmas). (On the Web). Under the blow

[loc. prep.]
Switzerland: very surprised, stunned.
In late afternoon, still reeling, the factor meeting the man. (On the Web).

saucer [nf]
Saucer. Gisela
Studer introduced to the sociology of saucers. (On the Web).

Spätzli [nm]
Switzerland: preparations of flour, oil, milk and eggs. The
Capuns are composed of a stuffing (...) spaetzle dough (On the Web). Sport-Toto

Switzerland: company dedicated to the promotion of sport in Switzerland, whose revenues come from Paris on football matches and other lotteries.
Society Sport-Toto was formed in 1938 in Basel. (On the Web).

Stamm [nm inv.]
Switzerland: association meeting, permanently. German word meaning "accustomed . Stamm
The home of Stella eventually regularly with songs, (...) (On the Web).

Station wagon [nm or f.]
Switzerland: station wagon. This
4x4 station wagon was relatively comfortable while keeping the crossing capabilities of set 4. (On the Web).

Staubirne, staufifre [nm or f.]
Switzerland: Swiss German citizen.
(...) they speak to us in bulk, of the army, staubirnes, the feniaules, iconic figures of our beautiful region, (...) (On the Web).
They keep saying that the battle between citizens is shameful. We were like, made of the same material, the same blood, and we Staufifres. (Anne Rivier, April 7, 2000, Public Domain).

Stellien [nm]
Switzerland: company-owned student Stella.
Star: Symbol Stelliens, is found in blue or gold, or snow. (On the Web).

Stramm [adj. inv.]
Switzerland: severe. German word meaning the same.
I feel that is more "Stramm" in German Switzerland. (On the Web).

Striflate [n]
Jura sweet pancake.
(...) it might be liked the striflates, perch fillets or grilled. (On the Web).

Stump [nm]
Cigar short and fat, Swiss German word.
Satan: "Then you'll love Mondays throughout the day because you smoke cigars, cigs, stumps ... without having to worry about cancer ... we are already dead! "(On the Web).

Sugus [nm]
Switzerland: caramel fruit. Mark home Suchard.
The day began with a game quite fun, where you had to spend Sugus in fraud. (On the Web).

Sure! [Interj.]
Definitely! Obviously it! On questioning, This means that true?

On France [ibid.]
In neighboring France.
I live in France but I am going to school in Switzerland. I would love to correspond with someone who loves animals and roller skating. (On the Web).

Trustee, unionized [nm, nc]
Fribourg and Vaud town mayor. The town of
Sorens does not suffer from the absence of trustee, but the law is the law (on the Web).
By launching its proposal, the unionized Lausanne knows it ahead of a minefield. (On the Web).


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