Sunday, March 2, 2008

How To Get Scorch Mark Off Iron


Jaffer [v. tr.]
Geneva: splashing (press release by JD Luiset). Neuchâtel: foaming, foaming [Pierrehumbert].

Jaman [nm]
Lake Geneva: night breeze coming down the neck of Jaman, which gives it its name, and Rochers de Naye, which blow from Vevey to Montreux. Between
white dusty wind tumbles the distant Sahara, joran that "makes the case where it goes" and the mind-blowing kiss Montreux and Vevey savings but we like because "it blows when it suits us drying plants, between the wind of twilight Jaman and discreet which is said to be "a breath to look pretty," and elsewhere vaudaire called foehn, the vineyard often need a comb to put the leaves in place and plumb its branches! (On the Web).

Jappe [nf]
Savoy organ of speech. Bark of French, "pushing small barking."
It has cut the bark.

Jacket [nf]
cardigan, vest, from Old French jackfruit, "soldier's tunic."
Cover for Mother Nature Sizes: S, M. Click to view the price list! (On the Web).

Jarcler [v. intr.]
Savoie off the floor quickly, forcefully.
Look for newbies who ask questions unanswered or are jarcler the channel. (On the Web).

Jass [nm]
Switzerland: card game akin to belotte. Dutch jas, which means the servant of trumps. A Swiss
on two plays regularly jass, whether in family, the pub or at official tournaments. (On the Web).

Jean Rosset [n. dr.]
Switzerland: Sun.
Second to the order of merit is Jean Rosset which bathed the event of a marvelous light of late summer, reflected again by fresh snow dusting the peaks. (On the Web).

Jeter (in) [loc. v.]
Making effect. The
vessel is particularly well built, very detailed, full of polygons. It throws! (On the Web). Fasting

federal fasting Geneva, [n. dr.]
Switzerland: religious festivals commemorating the persecution of Protestants. Fasting federal
: third Sunday of September.
The Swiss roads should be closed to vehicular traffic on the day of fasting federal. (On the Web). Fasting
Geneva: Geneva, on Thursday following the first Sunday in September.
This time we will not seek to Protestants lice! Without them, no fasting Geneva. Neither fasting federal elsewhere. It is in the Reformed tradition of the Swiss must now leave this September if welcome. (On the Web).

Johannisberg [nm]
Valais white wine from a grape Rhine.
Johannisberg wine is renowned for its delicate aromas of almonds, peach flowers and citrus. (On the Web).

Joli (that of) [expr.]
It's nice! Expresses surprise accompanied by disappointment.
He quickly recovered his spirits and began looking for condoms for diving the next day (just to tinker with a waterproof dressing ? Note that all was surprised how many condoms on board .. for a cruise with the guys ... it's nice). (On the Web).

Joran [n. dr.]
1. Lake Geneva: synoptic wind that blows from the northwest with regularity. His name, in patois dzoran Vaud, just Jura mountain in that direction, whose name itself comes from the patois Dzor.
The previous evenings at the same time, a slight joran blew over the region. (On the Web).
2. Lake Geneva: wind storm sudden and violent blows in the same direction.
On 7 August 1970, overthrown by a coup de joran exceptionally violent but predictable - the blinker Nyon announced in last quarter of an hour - Sainte-Odile Yvoire capsizes before, with twenty-six passengers. Appraisal: seven dead. (On the Web).

3. Lake Neuchâtel: thermal wind blowing from the north, which can be violent during a lightning storm.
His wanderings took him to the intricacies of the Vanil Sarine and Lake Neuchatel, where Joran blows. (On the Web).

Jorasson [nm]
Lake Geneva: night breeze blowing from land between Rolle and Nyon. Its name comes from the Jura, which lies in the direction from which it blows.

Play (that) [loc. prep.]
Switzerland romande: that's right, it works, fine.
If it plays, it's a nice picture, if it does not play, it says: "She wanted everything, but it failed." (On the Web).

solving Olympics [expr.]
Neuchâtel outdoor sporting events held in schools at the end of the school year.
This Thursday, April 29th was a day of sports games for grades 7-9, with choice football, volleyball or badminton.

Julie [n. dr.]
1. Geneva: Geneva Tribune, according to the surname of the wife of the founder of this newspaper.
Lu the other day in Julie (the Tribune de Genève) a short article on Hervé Gantner. (On the Web).
2. Vaud: Leaf Notice of Lausanne, which has been discontinued.


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