Sunday, March 2, 2008

Indian Models Big Boobs


Tabanné, tabannée [adj.]
Savoy become cheesy or crazy (dangerous) because of repetitive corrections. Maybe the Latin tabanus "gadfly" for someone who has gone mad by dint of being bitten, cf. "Stung."
Skip to bottom in this bottleneck, it is of tabannés!

Tabelle [nf]
Switzerland: list, table. German word, Latin tabella "clipboard".
Tabelle cults of the Protestant Church of Geneva. (On the Web).

Tablar, tablard [nm]
Switzerland: Shelving, as small terrace for culture. Formerly tabla, from Latin tabula, "plate". On this fertile cone
were grown about two hectares of vines in tablards. [Fellay].
computer table with upper shelf softline, ample space for storing the computer at home, tablar detachable keyboard. (On the Web).
On the port side, opposite the kitchen, there is a tablard folding. (On the Web).

Taborniau [adj. and nm]
fool, simpleton. Tabornei patois, taborneor Old French, "drummer," the former French tabor, Tabour, Persian Tahir, "Drum". In a piece
Dürrenmatt, an actor has a blank during a fight scene. Short of breath, he released the first word that comes to mind: "Taborniau! ! ! (On the Web).

Tabousse [nf]
Vaud: Female babbling. Old French Tabuse, "noise".
The men had a drink in speaking of the deceased friend and in the upper chamber where it stands, the Rosette, the widow then, pouring tea for everything the village has barjaques, and especially of tabousses SERP. (Itten and Roger Albert Bastian, on the Web).

Spot [nm]
Large nail to fix the soles of shoes, Tatche dialect, the former French spot, "large nail, a former French Estache," pile "* Stakka Frankish, Germanic * stekan, Stakanit" Perch, pile. "
It lacks neither nail nor stain, tilt expression meaning "very well dressed to the nines."

average workload [loc.v.]
Endeavour, cause.
Task way of not letting go of mistakes, because you'll have nice run after thee trouble (sic) to the catch up. (On the Web).

Tasks [n. pl.]
Switzerland: homework at school.
It is important not to spoil too much, that is to say, the overprotective or doing tasks for him. (On the Web).

Tachon Taisson, Tasson [nm]
Badger, former French Taisson, Gallic or Germanic * taxos Thaher, both derived from a Celtic * tasgo-, tasco-*, then * tacso-all meaning " badger [Delamarre].
you find in the village of Cruz animals typical of the subalpine (...), as Fisher and "Let us" or badger (...). (On the Web).
We know that the tabernacle, the portable temple that the Israelites transported throughout the wilderness, would be covered with four blankets, each representing a particular symbolic meaning, the most beautiful was inside and the last one that would protect the first three, was made of badgers' skins (eg 26, 14). (On the Web).
Tasson the depths of his lair, stepped into the hallway and approached the entrance as close as his natural caution allowed him. (The last time condemned by Louis Pergaud on the Web). By
metaphor, girl, woman and small stocky, perhaps by attraction packed with paronymic. Big as a
Tassone. (On the Web).

Tacon [nm]
1. Patch to mend a garment, plug a hole in a shoe. Former French parr, "room to put a garment or a shoe," the Germanic Takko, "tip". Questions are
parr on his clothes, extension hems, but one day or another, he must face the facts: (...) it's time to redo her wardrobe. (On the Web).
Taconnier was synonymous with "cobbler".
2. By extension, plot. Jean-Marc
Both took over the small estate of his father, who possessed at the time that 8 cows. It then expanded its operations, plot by plot. "Tacon by parr," as he likes to say in patois (Pascale Stehlin, on the Web).

Taconet, Taconnet [nm]
Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.), a pioneer plant of waste places and moist places recently or regularly disturbed, steep slopes prone to landslides or mudslides. It is also known as coltsfoot.
"Taconet Earth, leaving it where it is; earth creeping buttercup, buy it if you can," says an old French proverb. (On the Canvas).

Tadié [adj. and n.]
Switzerland: remained.

Taguenasser [v. intr.]
Maneuver insistently and fruitless quibbling.

Taguenet [nm]
Self stupid but not malicious, stupid, naive.
The second picture of the madness that is certainly a good crazy person who wanders aimlessly, muttering inaudible remarks, his eyes riveted on the floor, the Bobet, the taguenet, mixed mental handicap and mental handicap. (Magdalen Bridge, on the Web).

Taillaule [nf]
Switzerland: pastry flour, eggs, butter and sugar. Our
taillaules butter, are a product between the biscuit and cake, flavored with lemon, (...) (On the Web).

Size [nm]
greubons Cut to: Pie greubons base, flour and eggs. The cut to
greubons symbol of gastronomy Vaud, is threatened. (Gladys Bigler, on the Web).

Taillerins [nm pl.]
Savoy type of pasta made from durum wheat semolina, wheat flour, buckwheat flour and fresh eggs, often flavored with mushrooms, chestnuts, walnuts or blueberries. Tagliarini Italian "pasta cut with a knife," or Old French Taillerins, tallerin, "piece".
Crozets Taillerins and are products of local Savoyard, for lovers of natural and authentic cuisine. (On the Web).

Taleine [nf]
Vaud hornet.
Y has beautiful pictures of these big taleines! ! (On the Web).

Talmatcher [v. intr.]
speak a foreign language rather badly. Probably the former French talemaschier "defile, dirty."

Slope [nm]
Lake Geneva: very big wave, abrupt. Here is a transcript
word for word of the day SMS received by Jacques Valente:
- Jacques hello, here I am 27 knots apparent and it brews a max. are already beautiful and strongest bank is coming .. it hits hard ... 86 miles until reset (Ed. Sein) that I obviously bypasses the west ... (Leman Offshore Racing - Associaton of Western Switzerland skippers racing on the Web).

Dab [nf]
drinking, noise, Old French Tambuti "din." (...)
opportunity actually to celebrate the good old days, the institutional buffers, local produce, the Rabelaisian perlouze (On the Web).
The Dab: was called and the Temperance Society (mutual non-alcoholic). Sometimes

There is a moment in time, this afternoon.
I ran into him earlier. He will return it later.

Type [v. tr.]
Spanking, hitting, giving a correction.
She said she did not want it, she would kill her, and I caught her pinching or hitting the baby. (Monique Stidel on the Web).

swatter [nf]
1. Tape-carpet, carpet tool for dusting, which was also its use on a bum unruly children. Pro or anti
spanking, or legalistic liberal, permissive or tyrannical, today's parents are shared. May 68 has stored the fag in the closet, but let it grow-thirty years ago is out of fashion. (On the Web).
2. Language, or a person who talks a lot. The
fags, as it is often attributed to women, always speak to say nothing. S'le we say! (On the Web).

Taque [adj., N.]
1. Savoy: Simple mind remained. It is a bit
2. Cloth bag, wallet. He has a
hobs full of gold coins.

Tarin, tarine [n., and adv.]
native of the valley of the Tarentaise Savoie.
Gaymard is Tarentaise (sic) and I'm Maurienne and they say: better a mole in his garden as a neighbor siskin (On the Web).
tarine Race, a race of the Tarentaise cows.
Earth and the cradle of alpine race tarine, Bourg-Saint-Maurice and its surroundings are known for the quality of its cheese: Beaufort. (On the Web).

tartifles [nf]
Savoie, aged: potato, of cartoufle, former name of the potato. This word has been supplanted by potato. All mountain farmers
accommodation indeed in much the same way that kind of hearty dish, they had the same basic ingredients: cheese, bacon and tartifles, ie potatoes. (On the Web).

Tartiflette [nf]
Potatoes (tartifles) slices fried with bacon, which is melted on a half reblochon.
Nevertheless, a distinction without a blow tartiflette of scalloped potatoes, taking the first taste of its fries before the stove and melted cheese, while the latter provides only for the use of milk or cream with raw potatoes. (On the Web).

Tatouillard [nm]
Jura: large snowflake that does not wet the ground. Before Easter
wind blew hot and cold. Rain succeeded mist and fog in the ultimate tatouillards. (Anne Rivier, Public Domain, April 4, 2003).

Tatu, Tatu [adj.]
Savoy means someone bounded. Simple-minded moron.

Taupe [v. tr.]
Switzerland: typing, asking for money.
Ah, the friends who never had a penny and I always came mole! (On the Web).

Tauquée [nf]
Switzerland: nap, sleep.
home, we have the Clopet tauquée or, activities that all living things normally consistent. (On the Web).

shingles, tavillons [nm]
Shingle, clipboard for covering roofs and facades. Tavaillons said tavillons in Savoie and in Switzerland. Patois Tavella, Latin tabella "clipboard".
(...) is how to make roofing shingles or tavillons for Swiss and, unless I am mistaken, shingles for our neighbors Savoie. (On the Web).
boards are thus obtained 15 to 20 centimeters wide in length, the name and method of installation will vary from one region to another: they are called "shingles" in the Bornes and Aravis, "Ancelles" in Beaufortain "efenles" in Chablais and Faucigny "écrâves" in the region of Abundance, and "essendoles "Chartreuse and in the Hautes-Alpes. (On the Web).

Tavalan [nm]
Bauges: wooden balcony suspended from the eaves by poles naturally curved at their ends, and used for drying.
rural architecture illustrates their specificity: "sartôs" or cellars in Combe de Savoie, grangettes "bar" or "racks" of the heart Bauges dryers, "tavalans" the village of applesauce or barns wattle (facings lattice alder) Valley of Entrevernes ... (On the Web).

Tavan, Thee [nm]
Taon fly cattle (Tabanus sp. or Chrysops sp.). Word from the Franco-Provençal. From Latin tabanus, same meaning. Both
horseflies, either tavana Waldensian language, reminiscent of the traditional nickname given to the villagers [Peney le Jorat]. (On the Web).

Tavillonneur [nm]
craftsman who manufactures and installs the tavillons.
Known as the white wolf of the country tavillonneurs, Zeze [Doutaz] also knows quite a bit about the song ... (On the Web).

Tcharquer [vi]
Vaud hanging doing nothing. See jerky.
Imagine that Julet tcharquait through the kitchen, always in the way, it irritated me. (Albert Itten Bastian and Roger on the Web).

Tchetti [nf] From cheta patois, chat, satta, Tschetter, "meeting night witches" dialect word for "sect", from Latin secta, "way of life, conduct, sect.

Grand Pouet proclaimed the constitution of the Tchetti the scarecrow. (On the Web).

Tchinque [nm]
Seasonal Italian working in Switzerland.
Then came the Italians. They were called Tchinques. They scared the girls. (Anne Rivier, April 7, 2000, Public Domain).

Chu, tiu, tyu [nm]
Vaud ass behind. A
which was the breeding geese were so much bigger than with just the feathers they made a chu down. (On the Web).

Técol, técolle [pron. pers.]
Switzerland: you, yourself, tézigue.
If all those disappointments as técolle locks, one paw in the slop and vomit. (On the Web).

Time (be better) [loc. v.]
Have interest, make better choices.
Then, the human characters have better time to have a good range of talent available. (On the Web).

Hold (in) [loc. v.]
Being unwell, being in an intoxicated advanced.
worry is (sic) a beautiful Michael! - No unnecessary comment I pray ... you have nothing to offer me cons headaches? (On the Web).

Hold thumbs [loc. v.] qe
Phrase meaning we want someone to succeed, the French equivalent of fingers crossed. The German phrase für jemanden die Daumen drücken.
So I count on you to keep me busy! (On the Web).

Land [nm]
Neuchâtel: This land: the ground is snow-free.

field [see intr.]
Savoy: This land: the soil begins to appear (the melting snow).

head (look good) [loc. v.]
Savoy: to be good at school, be smart.
nouuuuuuunouuuuuuuuuu Hi, I will welcome you on ONE file a 10, he has a good head on Fat! (On the Web).

head (wash) [loc. v. pron.]
Wash hair.
Their young lover is soon back in the house, he went to wash the head with a lot of shampoo. (On the Web).

Fathead monk [nm]
Switzerland: Cheese Semi-hard native Abbey Bellelay (Bernese Jura).
Tête de Moine is much more than cheese. It is the true ambassador of the region (...) (On the Web).

TIAF, tiaffe [nf]
Switzerland: high heat.
Discos and warm nights we do not want to say is that these are fried or TIAF found in those institutions. (On the Web).
Hat riders: in this "tiaffe" rise "leg breaker" from the Market Square at the police station was severely painful (...) (On the Web).

Tignard [nm]
Cheese Parsley high Tarentaise valley, traditionally composed of half goat's milk, a quarter of sheep milk and fourth-cream cow's milk.
Marbling is manufactured in grazing goats and sheep in the Tarentaise and especially the mountains of Tignes, where he gets the name of Tignard. (On the Web).

Tilsit [nm]
Cheese Semi-hard manufactured in eastern Switzerland.
Thus, the famous cheese Tilsit was invented by Swiss cheesemakers who had emigrated to Russia and chose to give their cheese the name of their host city. (On the Web).

Timon [nm]
Lakes Romand: helm of a boat.
Clinging to their tongue, coxswains are trying to make the best course, this will not prevent a genuine ramming by the yawl of Thonon, but not broken! (Annik Jacquier, on the Web).

Tintebin [nm]
Walker, device allowing a disabled person to move.
a scam from the beginning: no makeup (that is, without paying more than you asked the seller), you drag on the asphalt at a rate of tintebin skates. (About the scooter on the Web).

Tiolu [nm]
Switzerland: sparrow. Patois LIBOR, "tile". A small
tiolu prisoner in his cage crinoline, tries to escape and recover the flight so light. (On the Web).

Tiot [nm]
Aged: hat.

Tiper, tipper [v. tr.]
Switzerland: typing on a keyboard of a cash register. German Tippen, "typing".
(...) but the job of cashier had not undergone significant changes since she continued to tiper prices. (On the Web).
Currently I start learning tipper tickets on the body. It is work that is not very easy for me. (On the Web).

Tip-top [loc. adv.]
Switzerland: impeccable impeccably. Expression German.
Tip-top, it says for something that was done well, according to the rules of art, in an orderly and methodical. Ex: They have worked tip-top. (On the Web).
Do you like Swiss Germans, even if they are not tip-top? (On the Web). From

And since this morning, we review and "tinker" our traction to ensure it is in excellent condition to take the next step Thessaloniki - Istanbul which promises to be a "holy drawn. (On the Web).

Tire-pipe, pipe puller [nm]
Switzerland: fairground attraction which shoots a rifle, traditionally clay pipes.
Carousels, barrel organs, bumper cars, ghost train, coach and all these pipes incomparable attractions. (On the Web).

Tire-hair [loc. adv.]
Children Games. It throws an object in the middle of a group of children who pull the hair of those who seized it do to let go.
Launch a ball puller hair. Wanting to become a Jedi, despite the inconvenience "can use technology," his quest was a series of frustrations with the sole consolation of playing "Tire pile" with highest authorities of the Star Wars galaxy. (On the Web). Pull

[v. tr. or intr.]
1. [V. tr.] Being a little stock, not having enough.
Bakers are closed: It feels tight (or is pulled) bread.
2. [V. intr.] Brew.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly and simmer for about 15 minutes. (On the Web).

3. [V. intr.] look like, have a family resemblance.
My father was tall and skinny. My brothers and sisters have either taken the side of my mother or my father. (Christoph Blocher, on the Web).
I would see this child could have been. I would see this he derives from his father and that comes from another woman. (On the Web).
4. [V. intr.] Make airstream.
Closes the window, it takes!

Pull shirt [loc. v.]
Switzerland: salivary gland discomfort when eating something sour. Not bad raisinets
these, but they just shoot the shirt, it would add sugar. (On the Web).

Roof nozzle (On the Web). [Nm]
construction used to avoid the formation of ridges of snow, creating a vortex.
roofs-nozzles and windmills are used in the fight against the snow cornices avalanche terrain. They create a swirl in the wind flow and prevents snow from being deposited at this site. (On the Web).

Toletus [nm]
Lakes Romand: metal piece attached to the gunwale of a boat used to hold a paddle for swimming.
As for events, it is indeed rather technical issues, such as a train, which by this beautiful spring day, decided to play the daughters of the air escaping, unbeknownst to the rowers , its thole during the race 2xJF. (On the Web).

Fallen [nf]
A very small ration, a finger, a tear.
A fallen white wine, cider or champagne gives a distinctive flavor to sauerkraut. (On the Web).

Tomme [nf]
Pressed cheese and uncooked, with a rind. Old Provencal toma, toma popular Latin * "fat cheese" Celtic * tom "mass". Tomme Vaudoise, Savoie, Abondance, Beaufort, Tamie.
Tomme de Savoie is sold whole or cut. The rate of fat is most often 20% and 40%. (On the Web). By
pejorative metaphor: apathetic woman.
The father is happy, apparently quite proud his "Big Tomme. It even makes me a compliment I am very "feminine"! ! ! (On the Web).
Counting his tome: nod dozing while sitting.

Toraille, torrailler [v. intr.]
Switzerland: smoking excessively. Latin torrere, "burn", with pejorative suffix.
Do not think I'll let myself Toraille like a chimney, no no no! ! ! (On the Web).

wallop, torniole [nf]
Correction, slap. Former French torniole, arounds "circular motion", derived from the verb torniier, tornoüer, variant (see 1180) to "spin". The illustrated
met Mr. Vuichoud, which advocated the virtues of the educational wallop in a daily Vaud. (On the Web).
Hidden behind the screen, the cyberchieur is inaccessible, and your hand so eager to fuck him he deserves torniole since its birth in turn desperately empty. (On the Web).

Torree [nf]
Switzerland: rustic meal (sausages, potatoes, onions, etc..) Cooked under the grill, outdoors. Latin torrere "grilling, burn." The
Torree is a great fire of dead wood and some lights Darre outdoors. (On the Web).
In autumn, a custom dictates that we make a Torree in green pastures. (On the Web).

Tôtché, touetché [nm]
Jura cake with milk and sour cream. Word meaning "pie", respectively in dialect and ajoulot fair trail.
Yes, answered without hesitation Joseph Zisyadis who understands that we give acclaim to longeole, tôtché or Cuchaule. (On the Web).

Toto [nm & f.]
Switzerland: Swiss German citizen. And
, supreme joy, burial sections Biercup thanks to Toto Rémy-de Blonay Beer! ! ! (On the Web).

Touch hand [loc. v.]
Shake hands, give a handshake.
Marly confuse bad defeat and lack of fair play as the captain did (sic) not even want to touch the hand of the referee late in the game. (On the Web).

Toupin Tupin [nm]
1. Also Tupin, glazed earthenware pot with a lid. Topin patois, a former French Tupin, "mud, clay pot or iron for various purposes, from the Germanic Tuppin," vase ".
They will then be placed in a toupin earth and covered with cooking grease. (On the Web). The
Tupin is a pot, that which I turn around, I decided to shoot with any consistency and applications, from inventory and storage of photos in my collection of the Loue. (On the Web).
2. Big cow bell made of sheet iron door that cattle grazing in the pasture. It is lighter than the bell of brass or bronze worn during festivals.
Bells and Toupins have become, over time, the pride of the farmers, the reward for the quality of their work. (On the Web).

3. Cooked paste cheese dairy in the valley of Abondance.

Toupine, tupina [nf]
1. Glazed earthenware jar with a capacity of eight to ten liters where we kept the melted butter or lard. Word of the same origin as toupin.
She later told her neighbors that she was so full of Toupin butter. (On the Web).
2. Metaphorically pejorative: stupid woman.

Tourmente Christian [nm]
Said of people - mostly children - who continually call the same thing.
(...) he invented a coldness to be even more beloved, Ariadne il'appelait that his joy and torment, and his wicked storm-Christian (...) (On the Web).

Turns [nf]
Savoy structure intended to protect a structure of avalanches.
[The alpine chalets] are more protected from the shock wave through the construction of clusters of stone shaped bow called "spin" (On the Web).

Turn [v. intr]
In Savoie, this verb is used to mean to return or rebuild something.
You have made mistakes in your copy, turn to your page (On the Web).

headland [nf]
Switzerland: the end or edge of the field where the farmer turns the cart, synonymous CHAINTRE.
In perennial crops, the first 3 meters grassy strip perpendicular to the direction of work cultures are part of the acreage under headland (CHAINTRE). (On the Web).

Tournus [nm]
Switzerland: rolling, rotation, rotation.
have thus succeeded twelve cities from Athens to Copenhagen, according to a tournus amicably. (On the Web).

All (is not) [loc. interj.]
To change the subject, interrupting the conversation. Bon ben
is not everything, but after such a cerebral effort I'm suck a Panadol, me! (On the Web).

All good! [Loc. interj.]
Formula Wish or reply to a salutation.
Gentlemen, thank you ... All the best for the future! (On the Web). All

(having) [loc. v.]
undergoes a series of troubles and diseases.
This year, they were all really had.

Toyet, toyotse [nm]
Switzerland: fool.
But it made you laugh too, remember his new toy, a mechanical hatchet which had made him say "should be a sacred toyet to be injured! "2 weeks later, his little finger as he burst out! (On the Web).

Trabetset, trabeutchet, trapetzet [nm]
Respectively Vaud and Jura stool, small table or small seat.
(...) I'm sorry, I do not practice these methods every day, my trabetset does not lead me to realize this fact, still important, there are usually four teats per breast, which represents (...) four tubes (Jean-Pascal Delamuraz, Federal Councillor, National Council Wednesday, March 4, 1998, on the Web). Installed on
trapetzets, glass raised, mocking eye, we salute those of Below fleeing their mushy peas ... (Anne Rivier, Public Domain, September 13, 2002).

tracasset [nm]
Vaud small motorized vehicle 3 wheels used by the winemaker. Typically
Vaud originally tracasset the spread in steep vineyards of the township. (On the Web).

Tracassin [nm]
Switzerland: mechanical in poor condition, causing the hassle.
I would not go away with my tracassin.

Trace [nf]
poorly marked trail, feel.
Follow the path on the left and right track (R2) which climbs to the top of the Ouillon marked with a cross prominently. (On the Web).

Tracer [v. intr.]
1. Switzerland: run eagerly follow.
Wait for me, what you have to draw like that?, Stop him after tracing.
2. Romandie ([v. tr.]): Delete.
champion club will be appointed on the basis of total points per rank, possible outcomes to draw deducted. (On the Web).

Traclet, traquelet [nm]
Switzerland: Regional train.
2800 km - with a straight 780km, really right, with a pat on ... Traclet that 85km / h in peak (...) (On the Web).
We were fighting the road, just landed from a regional traquelet in which we could extend our stump a few tens of kilometers. (On the Web).

Tractanda [nm] French
federal tractanda "agenda", adapted from Traktanden. The
tractanda, as well as new accounts and investments were annexed to the notice sent to all households, (Annex 1). Thierry Ackermann asked if anyone had any comments about tractanda. (On the Web).

Trafole, trafolée [n. and adj.]
Savoie: snow already covered the ski tracks or worked by the wind. To [Constantine] trafole means "potato".
(...) and many people who want a board that goes as well as in powder trafole ... (On the Web).
They were, in my opinion much better in deep snow trafolée, blown ... (On the Web).

trains [nf]
Part of the flue of a fireplace.
exhaust ducts are chimneys, flues and flue pipes. (On the Web).

Train [nf]
Lakes Romand: Trolling Fishing by trolling.
fish live bait should not be used for trolling or other reciprocating engines. (On the Web).

Train-skates, dragging Savatte [nm]
Switzerland: unable laggard, slow and idle person (referring to the pads, felt slippers that housewives are set to avoid soiling the floor).
Ultimately, however, our citizens will see that it's better to be ruled by people who have passed their lives until then rather than dragging pads that would stand a brown bankrupt if they confided in management. (Charles Poncet, on the Web).
It will change us all dragging Savatte who would know the ecstasy Treats ... (On the Web).

Traluire [v. intr.]
Switzerland: become translucent, speaking of the grape. Prefix trans, and "shine".
berries begin to "traluire" to change color depending on variety. (On the Web).

Tramelot [nm]
Switzerland: tram driver, used to route the tram.
Mr. Pache tramelot old, has over 75 years and has suffered two serious operations. (On the Web). Note: tramelot is also the Gentile inhabitants of Tramelan.

Slice [v. intr.]
Turn, curdle, speaking of dairy products.
Under the Romans, the manufacture of rennet cheeses using milk sliced extracted from the stomachs of young ruminants enjoyed a very widespread development. (On the Web).

Trapon, trappon [nm]
Trappe small hatch. Old French trapani, trappon, "plate, ais"
He saw flames "by a Trapon joints at the top of the stairs" leading to the attic. (On the Web). A
trappon allowing the docking side of the vehicle transporting money in front of the building served. (On the Web).

Crossing [adj.]
Switzerland: which opens on opposite walls of a building.
This charming apartment of 5 rooms are located on the 1st floor of a building built in 1993 with quality materials. (On the Web).

Trax [nm inv.]
Switzerland: bulldozer, dozer.
One day, landed a big trax on what our football field, (...) (On the Web).

Tredon [nm]
Switzerland: noise, din. Dialect word Fribourg. Mena
the bourgeoisie, the tredon, "Leading the noise, the noise." (On the Web).

Tremblett [nf]
Switzerland: flickers.
There is first a trailer that has the Tremblett (...) (On the Web).

Hardening [adj.]
Switzerland: hardened wet.
Gloves suits, shells, socks, everything is wet. (On the Web).

Braid [nf]
Switzerland: brioche with butter and milk, slightly sweet, shaped into a braid.
He again made the dough was cut into two and was twisted into a braid. (On the Web).

Triandine [nf]
Spade four teeth, as its name does not indicate. Patois trendina, Latin tridens "trident".
everywhere where water remained on the land for many weeks or several times, it will aerate the soil with a ditchers or triandine. (On the Web).

Triangle [nm]
Switzerland: snow plow makes two blades forming a point.
The triangle of the state was drawn by ten horses while the communal triangle was drawn by two horses. (A Coffrane on the Web).

Trifougnée, tampered [nf]
Switzerland: beating.
Good tampered with japs for compensation for war damage property would suit our trade balances. (On the Web).

Tringuelte [nf]
Tips, by speaking the French language Trinkgält, German Trinkgeld.
Me I'm a single gesture, I return my jacket! The panossage the striflates the tringuelte and spätzli are my specialties! (On the Web).

Triole [nf] See

Trivaste [nf]
Switzerland: correction beating. He commented
each morning a little news: "Oh, pédzouilles the trivaste they have taken (sic), 4-0! Really Suck! "(On the Web).

Troche [nf]
Repels a tree stump, trotse patois, a former French troche, "assembly, beam, Neuchâtel troche," assembly of rods, boots' or the Latin trochaeus, "Horn deer, "or Latin tradux, traducem" branch ".
First is this great trouble for Palm, Chamaerops fortunei illuminated by a sunbeam. Behind it yal'Albisié, Araucaria araucana and trouble for banana leaves its shelter. (On the Web).

Troille [nf]
sort of shuttle timber used to pull the strings to close the skate of hay. Women's Old French Troil, "press".

Tronche [nf]
Aged: stump. Former French face "large stump of wood, cut tree trunk, log, beam, Latin truncus," limbed tree trunk, "truncare," truncate "Celtic * truccos" truncated, "Indo-European root *-Trenk," push ".
Here and there, emerged Tronches, stumps of trees cut recently or oldest. (On the Web).

Trosse [v. tr.]
Vaud upset, break. You Trosse
us with your fitrepis (On the Web).

Kit [nf]
Savoy large rope net to move the hay equivalent filard.
Be guided by the beasts to the stable or follow the package to the huge hay barn. (On the Web).
(come) [loc. v.]
If scratches come find us and we will advise you specifically. (On the Web).

Tsausses [nm pl.]
Vaud pants. Old French breeches.
quack [J.-P. Cuendet] who lived in the path of duck (it can not be invented!) Was a man of the lake. Morges birth, he had put his tsausses in Saint-Prex, 1959. (On the Web).

Tsequée [nf]
Switzerland: giclee.
... and just before serving tsequée never forgets a good apple vinegar in papet. (On the Web).

Tzergosse [nf]
Vaud hay sled.


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