Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hair Dressing Leaflets

Deck [nm]
Lakes Romand: opening in the bottom of a boat, or access to a reservoir.
Flushing the hull is dry with a filler in the fund but must finish with a sponge, the bottom being flat.

Swim [nf]
Switzerland: drop everything long, cons-performance intoxication. The term
swam, used especially by La Fontaine in the sense of "distance traveled by swimming" is very much alive in the popular speech of home within the meaning of "sudden drop where you lie at full length," 'very poor response in a review "or even" very advanced state of inebriation (go take a swim). " (On the Web).

Naill [nf]
Jura: almond-coated sugar pill. See anaille.
Ternuay A, Saint-Germain, 1840, the first meal was called Nailles "name hazelnuts, and sugared walnuts which were distributed out of the church. (On the Web).

Nailles [v. intr.]
Peel the nuts. See anaille.
Then comes the time Nailles. For those unfamiliar with the term, it is to break the shell to keep only the kernel of the nut. (On the Web).

Nani [nm]
Vaud: no nani: no fuss, no discussion.

Nant [nm]
Small stream, brook. In Geneva, it was a wooded ravine at the bottom of which flows a small stream. Nanto-Gallic, nantu-"val, stream [Delamarre]
These streams of Chateau-Bloc and Pre-Bowls, the determinants of Fountain Epeisses and Vessy and the reach of the Old. (On the Web).
Lakes Romand: into nothingness, to the sea.
In the air that inevitably, the start is a good wharf into nothingness. (Annik Jacquier, on the Web).

Nasse [nf]
Lakes Romand: fish trap in a cage made of wire mesh.
[Claude Delley, professional fisherman] begins with four goals to dispose off poles in the village before crossing the lake to meet the six traps and nets already placed on the side of Neuchâtel. (On the Web). By
metaphor trap in general.
The trap had closed on both Gitana Giant who narrowly managed to catch the last breath from the North West. (On the Web).

Natel [nm]
Mobile phone, cell phone. Swisscom trademark, abbreviation of National Autotelefonnetz, "national network of car phones."
Oh, I forgot that another reason for my happiness is that my laptop on again natel cell to 0:37, I got a message from P. which is passed twice at home in the evening without finding myself. (On the Web).

Nau [nf]
Lake Geneva: open boat flat bottom 7 to 8 meters at the front corner found and used for transport Pechel. She appeared in the sixteenth century and comes from the indigenous tradition of shipbuilding back to Celtic times. Its name probably comes from the Latin nausum "boat Gallic, Gaulish * Naua, Indo-European root * nausea," boat ".
Until the second half of last century, nausea fishing accounted for the bulk of the fleet Leman. By 1870, they have gradually been replaced by canoes form of maritime origin. Latest Fishing nausea disappeared between 1920 and 1930. (On the Web).

Nautical (make) [loc. v.]
Vaud: partying, make whoopee. The internal
chore leaned over me, with difficulty suppressing a yawn. He had the water all night and it felt at that hour of dawn. (On the Web).

Naviot [nm]
Lake Geneva: boat cover, flat-bottomed boat with a schedule. The
Naviot means the small boat following the boats of Lake Geneva. (On the Web).

snowing lightly, neigeotter [v. intr.]
Switzerland: snow so sparse. He gets
to snowing lightly. Sale time! But it seems that it is faithful to the Dolomites! (On the Web).
We begin with the tracing. He is 6 and he neigeotte! ! ! (On the Web).

Nel nell [nm]
Switzerland: In jass, nine of the asset, which is the second highest card. Dutch word. Having the
nel sec: no other trump card.
If we do not find many children who cry when they said 34 and nel bourgeois but hesitate to add 20 and 14, young people continue to play cards. (On the Web).
Gino made with fifty plus the king of hearts, Astchoum watch his game, he was fifty at the heart of Parnell and the ace. Dive! and match! (On the Web).

Nia [nf]
Savoy troops, brood, family members. Derived from the Latin nidus "nest."
We fell on Sunday, with all its nie.

Niac [nf]
Geneva: Make NIACE make NIACE: stroking her head on a child or an animal.

Niagnou, nianiou, nianioux [nm]
Switzerland: sweetly silly, stupid, slow of mind.
Will you make a azores niagnou barjaqueur well tanned and racist? (On the Web).

Niard [loc. v.]
Savoy pout, grimace. Having Niard: be moody.
what it is today, it has Niard?

Niareux [nm]
enrumé Being with a runny nose. I'm a little
niareux this morning, I arrive at work at 7:00. (On the Web).

Niau [nm]
Egg, sometimes plaster, left in the nest to initiate the hens to lay.

Niauche [nm & f., adj.]
Fribourg: whiny person who complains.
You do not know what a "Niauche? Normal is a word originating in the canton of Fribourg. Oral tradition, one can probably write it as "Nioche" or "Nioche. But For me, the solution with "au" is the most natural. (...) A niauche or is someone who complains. Who sees the world in a slightly woodcock. Qulqu'un a little bland. Originally, I think we talked about niauches especially for children ("kids" we say, whatever the Québécois). Niauche a child is one who "piaune" (cry) all the time, or who complains frequently. Alors par extension, on parle souvent d´adultes niauches. (On the Web).

Niauque, nioque [adj.]
Fool, fool. In the following example the word is used as a verb.
Yeah but a G3 233MHz that you niauque a P3 900Mhz Otherwise I use YzDock me, and I find it very fast! Deplus it takes less than 1MB of RAM. (Sic, on the Web). What I'm
nioque! ! I had not made the connection between M and @ HECN Lakanal .... (On the Web).

Niese [nf]
Vaud: noise. Also written gniaise.
And do not look for me (...) denied (On the Web).

NIFL [v. tr.]
Switzerland: felt. Former French NIFL, "sniff". Also used in Belgium, Quebec.

Niflet [nm]
Switzerland: nose.

Nille [n. pl.]
Switzerland: articulation of fingers, phalanx. It has the caterpillars

Nillon [nm]
Vaud: the residue of pressed walnuts. Nillon cake. Put
nillon in a bowl with milk and leave to rise a half-day or overnight. (On the Web).

Niobet, niobette [nm, nc]
Stupid, booby, simpleton, fool.

Niolu niolu [nm, nc]
Stupid, booby, simpleton, fool.
Think! ... niolus for the IOC have come in the corner it is not that to pioncer. (On the Web).

Nion [nm]
Nobody, nothing, in the sense there is nobody, nothing. Even people
Earth [Yvoire] for field work, turned to the lake to predict thunderstorms: the expression "Y nion on Rolle" meant no clouds on Rolle, one can go. (On the Web).

Nioniotte [nf]
worthless thing, another spelling of French slang gnognotte.
But no shit, it's not like the looks nioniotte JPC (Jean Pierre Coffe). (On the Web).

Nioquelet, nioquelette [nm, f.]
Stupid, booby, simpleton, fool. Diminutive niauque.
(...) we are the buffer zone, nioquelets hosting these refugees from the north while all others remain wallowing lucky sun. (On the Web).

Nioset [nm]
Geneva: small knot to hold the hair.

Niotti [nf]
Geneva: cache, location hard to find. They know
Niotti for chanterelles.

Niougne [nf]
Savoy: a good for nothing. Savoyard patois Bennouna, "silly girl or woman and slow" [Constantine].

Niousse [nf]
Vaud person whining, complaining incessantly.

Niquet [nm]
Nap, nap [Pierrehumbert]. In French, this word meant a small coin and by extension something small or of little value.
(...) Ben so it's not a niquet I do every day me! ! ! ! I do not nap style 20 minutes to recover but I sleep my 7 hours. (On the Web).

Niu [nm]
Switzerland: ball clay.
In Vaud, the beads were named as "gnus" (or "nius). (Gilbert Salem, on the Web).

Noce [nf]
Neuchâtel: small piece of bread or cheese, etc.. [Pierrehumbert].

Noireaud, brown cow [adj.]
Switzerland: who has brown hair, brunette.
What strikes me often is the look, almost nostalgic, some cashiers before the baby blonde or Noireaud at their fingertips ... (On the Web).

Name Blue [interj.]
Switzerland: euphemism for God's name. But
name blue name of blue! ... (Name of blue, it was his word). (On the Web). Not

[loc. adv.]
Savoy equivalent instead.
Do something, not sit there idly. Ninety

[adj. num. inv.]
Eighty-ten. The OSL
sets a general limit of ninety-three dB (A), measured in sixty other noise, (...)

Nono [nm]
Sleep, baby talk, sleep.
It's so good to do together ... nono (On the Web).


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