Friday, October 15, 2010

Rabbit Christmas Tree Needles


An internationally featured consultant, coach, trainer, and facilitator, Marquis has a passion for improving the quality of life for those he works with. He is a Genuine Contact™ Co-Owner with extensive experience in making use of Open Space Technology ingredients for organizational transformation and a call to action.

Marquis is the founding president of Collège des Grands Lacs and a former president of the Canadian Association for Distance Education, now renamed the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education. Since the early 90's, he has overseen several international development projects. He has been involved with the World Bank as: Chief Technical Advisor for the Education Development project in Lebanon, Evaluator for the Vocational Training Reform project in Tunisia, and Advisor to the African Virtual University. As a team member on an Asian Development Bank project in the Maldives, he was responsible for providing distance education expertise to the country’s Human Capital Development Framework. He provided guidance to UNESCO’s Institute for Information Technologies in Education in Russia. He facilitated Institutes on open and distance learning and development for the Commonwealth of Learning.


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