Friday, October 15, 2010

Rabbit Christmas Tree Needles


An internationally featured consultant, coach, trainer, and facilitator, Marquis has a passion for improving the quality of life for those he works with. He is a Genuine Contact™ Co-Owner with extensive experience in making use of Open Space Technology ingredients for organizational transformation and a call to action.

Marquis is the founding president of Collège des Grands Lacs and a former president of the Canadian Association for Distance Education, now renamed the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education. Since the early 90's, he has overseen several international development projects. He has been involved with the World Bank as: Chief Technical Advisor for the Education Development project in Lebanon, Evaluator for the Vocational Training Reform project in Tunisia, and Advisor to the African Virtual University. As a team member on an Asian Development Bank project in the Maldives, he was responsible for providing distance education expertise to the country’s Human Capital Development Framework. He provided guidance to UNESCO’s Institute for Information Technologies in Education in Russia. He facilitated Institutes on open and distance learning and development for the Commonwealth of Learning.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Electronic Bowlercade Directions

Marquis Bureau Training Workshop: The Animation holistic, 5, 6 and November 11, 2010 in Gatineau

Animation holistic
(Module 2 of the Genuine Contact Program)
Available in Gatineau 5, 6 and 11 November 2010 in collaboration with CAP Santé Outaouais


workshop of Animation holistic prepares participants for leadership steeped in authenticity and conduct organizational processes that produce results and do a job that important. We invite you to this highly experiential workshop of three days to learn how to: •

contact with the creative potential of your organization by accessing multiple intelligences (mental, spiritual, emotional and physical) and learning styles of individuals; •
work holistically to design meetings (in person or virtual) and organizational processes that engage people and inspire collective action;
• mobilize both qu'intergénérationnelles homogeneous teams to deliver results and transform your business Working in a place that nurtures life.

Learning button interior condition of the leader, an imprint of connection with the collective sense, simple tools and practical skills and knowledge to work with the organizational system.

What this workshop will bring

You will leave this workshop with interactive and experiential processes and practical tools and holistic approaches to help you: •

work with both the essence and the form of Animation holistic design meetings that engage participants in a manner that allows them to discover their passion and ownership what matters most;
• tap into the potential and the collective genius of individuals and your entire organization;
• maximize learning and results in each meeting, whether workshops training, business meetings or discussion groups, engaging the "whole brain" and the "whole person - mind, body, heart and spirit;
• build teams and collaboration while working to important business issues;
• be aware of the implications of actions and behaviors of the facilitator or leader and effective use of self;
• prepare you to facilitate and pay attention to your health and your personal balance;
• engage multiple intelligences and various learning styles of participants;
• work with information, knowledge and wisdom that come from sources other than the five senses;
• specify how to integrate and enhance your current knowledge and experience entertainment in a holistic process of organizing meetings or organizational process;
• Activate the connection of each individual to its purpose, inviting the alignment This rationale personal with the group and inspire individual and collective action;
• Exploring Animation as a holistic approach to leadership and operating system that supports the ongoing health and stability of an organization and
• conduct effective process of transformation and change.

Our approach Our training model is rooted in experience. The animation process of the workshop is that of holistic entertainment. As part of their learning, so participants will have an experience of this methodology and seen at work its power as a process of assembly. The emphasis on self as a facilitator will benefit participants in any situation where they are to conduct groups.

The three-day program includes learning the essence and holistic form of animation, the establishment of a genuine encounter with itself as a facilitator or leader, and learning simple tools and practical work in depth with the groups and organizations. A space is reserved for active experimentation and for discussions based on learning needs. Participants may begin planning a meeting in holistic Animation during the workshop.

The workshop includes a workbook to support lifelong learning. Audio CDs and video are also available at an additional cost (in English) as an additional learning tool. All participants have access to support and mentoring as a result of the workshop: French by the network Genuine Contact in Francophone and English by the International Network of Genuine Contact Professional . The workshop facilitation methodology is one of the four mandatory workshops to participate in the workshop Training of trainers Genuine Contact (Working with Open Space Technology, Entertainment holistic, intercultural conflict resolution and Genuine Contact Organisation).


Marquis Bureau is co-owner of Courage Group International inc. He is facilitator, consultant, trainer and coach in the areas of personal and organizational transformation. He has provided training, seminars and made presentations to various audiences for over two decades, both in Quebec and abroad. This passionate proponent of openness and authenticity is particularly interested in practices regarding health and balance organizational and personal. He is part owner of the Genuine Contact Program and is actively involved in Francophone Network of Open Space. For him, learning is able to innovate. Innovating means changing the way we view the world to be better.

For more information, call 819-766-2873 or

Monday, October 4, 2010

Short Hair Styles For Petite Women

Animation at St Paul

Tomorrow, I will animate a group of twenty students at the Université Saint-Paul located in Ottawa.


1. The key skills, in my opinion and through my experience, to promote dialogue and authentic communication.

2. What makes it difficult to have genuine communication in groups. How do I support people to build a relationship with others, especially when there is tension or conflict?

Through this workshop, I present the ingredients used in animation holistic and Open Space to promote a genuine and open communication.

Thanks Sophie Menard, director of curriculum in animation.

holistic training in Animation will be offered on 5, 6 and 11 November 2010, CAP Santé Outaouais in Gatineau. Contact Marquis Bureau ( for more information.