Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bereavement Sayings In Spanish


Read the newsletter of the LSI-HEA, a publication edited by Bruno Hourst:

Guide to teach otherwise (+ CD-Rom)
according to the theory of multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner
Round 3. Paris: Retz, 2009, 272 p.

Author (s): Danièle
Adad, Bihannic Pascal, Claudine Chevalier dell'Angelo Michele Savage, Dominique Deve-Bourquin Aline El adrham, Veronique Garas, Benedict Lasnier, Didier Mendibil Patricia Richard.

This book, based on the theory of multiple intelligences formulated by psychologist Howard Gardner proposes for each discipline (math, French, history, geography, science and technology, visual arts, music education and EPS), a set from February to June notional targets sequences for the program cycle 3.
The CD-ROM contains all text and graphic material.

To "flip book" or order: Editions Retz
Bruno Hourst Website: Wellness learn

Also, take a detour by the page or Better Learning Page Multiple Intelligences Site Ideas ASH!


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