Friday, June 25, 2010

Pregnancy Conceiving In Urdu

Appropriating the language in kindergarten

Seen on Mindomo :

A map drawn by C. Balas to consider the issue of appropriation of language in school.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Games Were U Can Get Pregnant

Boost your efficiency with FreeMind, and FREEPLAN XMind

You want to know about free software mind mapping?
No problem!
FreeMind, FREEPLAN XMind and have no secrets for you:

Boost your efficiency with FreeMind, and FREEPLAN XMind
DELENGAIGNE Xavier and Pierre Mongin
released on July 1, 2010

This second edition is enhanced by two chapters on FREEPLAN and XMind. Do not hesitate! You can now order it from .
Want to know more? A site visit for all The mindmapping

Thank Pierre Mongin and Xavier Delengaigne to share with us their experience and practice of mind mapping.
Happy reading!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quotes For Picniks On Faceb

Everyone is creative and

How to Improve your creative thinking

How To Mind Map With Tony Buzan

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

List Of The Original 151 Pokémon

Mathematics Teachers

I highly recommend a site visit by Françoise-DUQUESNE Belfer, senior lecturer in science education at the INS HEA, which I had the chance to benefit from interventions during my training at CAPA-SH. A site rich in resources, To better understand the needs in learning mathematics students with disabilities or serious difficulties

You will find particularly in the "Research Activities and Publications:
Good visit, enjoy!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Meltonian Shoe Cream Where To Buy

disabilities / speech: partnerships, interactions and complementarities Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia

Next publication of ANAE No. 109 Vol 21, Volume 4 - September 2010, coordinated by Dominique CRUNELLE, Director of the Institute of Speech Lille.
For more information: Blog the ANAE

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nip Slip Milani Denise

Lu on

Rehabilitation Skills logico-mathematical
of children with dyspraxia visuospatial

Report Internship in Speech specialized Sandrine GOBLET (Master 2 Logopedics)

Read the article on PONTT
Read the report Sandrine GOBLET (pdf)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Is The Government Hiding Aliens From Us

Assisting in the development of tracks remediation after the psychological assessment

Seen on http://www.inshea. com / :

Assisting in the development of remedial tracks
after psychological assessment

A publication of the ASH website of the Academy of Nice , slideshow Beatrice Quattrocchi-Risso, psychologist, teachers RASED presented during the training day at the IUFM May 25, 2010.
    • Processing Speed Index (IVT)
    • Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
    • Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)
    • Index of Working Memory (LMI)
  • What disturbs the learning
  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Visual perception
  • decoding information
  • Self-esteem

How Do You Reset A Briefcase

specific learning disabilities ASH

Firstly THANK YOU to the association APEDYS (Association of Parents of dyslexic children have added this week a link to the blog Ideas ASH and WELCOME to you that many, have followed this link.
This post is reserved for you ;-)

Teacher referent for the education of students with disabilities, I accompany the students throughout their school careers. Among them, many children and adolescents have specific learning disabilities: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysphasia, attention deficit disorder. I testify today on the difficult path that must take all these kids and their families: the first questions about the difficulties in daily life and in school life, the many approaches, concerns, rehabilitations, moments of hope and discouragement, the time of diagnosis, misunderstandings, the eyes of others, applications to the MDPH, the arrangement of examinations, fighting every day ... I meet these kids, I take the time to listen, to accompany them and together, in partnership with parents, with teachers, with all professionals involved in rehabilitation, we implement the Custom Project Schooling. Not always easy ... but in my area, all professionals (speech therapists, occupational therapists, psychomotor ...) participate in meetings of the Monitoring Team Schooling and we are very helpful.

My first observation on the ground, when I accepted this position 3 years ago, it was the real ignorance of what are really these disorders, that ignorance leads to misunderstanding all these young and difficult to define precisely the possible adaptations to implement in the classroom. That's why I participated several times in training offered to teachers around the TSA, as well as conferences in the North by the associations APEDYS, Future Dysphasia, dyspraxia But Fantasy ADHD France. Hence arose the "information pages TSA Site Ideas ASH.

To see through the website and blog ideas ASH:

specific cognitive disorders and specific learning disabilities : information, assistance in the identification, indicators, useful links .. .

Since then, I continue to seek ways to help these students school, and I publish regularly on the blog Ideas ASH in this direction. I offer many links to articles / tools that I think are interesting, but also the ability to use mind maps to circumvent the difficulties of written language acquisition. All blog posts are categorized, you can find eg

hope that you find on the ideas ASH help you need, I invite you to enrich this blog by bringing your testimony, questions, new links ...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Scope Mount For Hawkens Rifle

Ideas on Mind Mapping software and

Panorama and testing of the main tools for Homecoming Mapping Experts June 7, 2010, by Philippe and Jerome Boukobza Dard
What a joy to discover one of my cards in this presentation! Thank you ;-)

Bereavement Sayings In Spanish


Read the newsletter of the LSI-HEA, a publication edited by Bruno Hourst:

Guide to teach otherwise (+ CD-Rom)
according to the theory of multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner
Round 3. Paris: Retz, 2009, 272 p.

Author (s): Danièle
Adad, Bihannic Pascal, Claudine Chevalier dell'Angelo Michele Savage, Dominique Deve-Bourquin Aline El adrham, Veronique Garas, Benedict Lasnier, Didier Mendibil Patricia Richard.

This book, based on the theory of multiple intelligences formulated by psychologist Howard Gardner proposes for each discipline (math, French, history, geography, science and technology, visual arts, music education and EPS), a set from February to June notional targets sequences for the program cycle 3.
The CD-ROM contains all text and graphic material.

To "flip book" or order: Editions Retz
Bruno Hourst Website: Wellness learn

Also, take a detour by the page or Better Learning Page Multiple Intelligences Site Ideas ASH!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Infection

guide to teaching the mind map, a management tool effectively with mental

A map drawn by Muriel Segonds

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bmx Bikes For Under $100 That Weigh Under 10 Lbs

Learning For the 5 senses

Do I Leave My Shirt Untucked


Breast Images With Breast Sizes

How To Mind Map With iMindMap 4.0