Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Milena Velba With Santa

Summary Record

The conference was introduced by Marie-Carole Ciuntu, Mayor Sucy-en-Brie Advisor General du Val de Marne who thanked the speakers welcomed sixty elected, presidents of associations and participants involved in various ways by exploiting the strengths of Ile de France and welcomed the initiative two associations, the ALDF and ASFV * * for the joint organization of the conference.

Stressing the important work of the ALDF that resolved the difficult balance between heritage protection, association activities and events that regularly take place in Fort Sucy, Marie-Carole Ciuntu recalled that a target agreement signed between the municipality and ALDF Sucy sealed their shared interest in preserving this place of history and value.

sensitized to the plight of local authorities on the heritage report / social inclusion, whose theme will be addressed, she concluded her opening remarks by expressing the wish that this conference could approach departmental, regional, national and why not, European .

The speakers, experts in their field, have exhibited their work, findings and resources on the slopes or exploring economic recovery achieved in these forts. He was addressing their potential for tourism and recreation, the objective being to emerge a pattern of remarkable regional tourist trail, a "Way of the highlights of the Ile de France" can enroll in the Greater Paris and the green belt.

The conference then took place around three axes of reflection after the recall reason for the building of these forts and their location:

- economic recovery and strong heritage of the Ile de France. A regional issue. Examples of achievements
- heritage, social inclusion and civic actors
- funding sources


- Robert Jacques, President of the Association Discovering Fort Sucy (94), related cultural activities, historic, associative Fort Sucy.

- AMAT Jean-Paul , Associate Professor of Geography at the University, Ph.D. in Physical Geography, University Paris IV Sorbonne, presented the geographical configuration of the Paris basin and Ile de France for the construction of strategic forts.

- Rina DUPRIET , Deputy Mayor of Buc (78), Commissioner of Cultural Affairs and community life, took stock of initiatives and research on its common to find a project to convert the fort Buc.

- Julie GUIYOT-Corteville , Chief Curator of Heritage, in charge of the label "Cities of art and history" of the Community of agglomeration of Saint-Quentin-en Yvelines (95), described the actions of his city for the conversion of farm Bouviers, resources, budget, bold architecture and respectful places.

- Philippe MONTILLET , Institute of Urban Planning and Development Ile de France (IAU-IDF), Mission Heritage, has allowed us to better understand the relationships that have Since their inception, existed between the development of the Ile de France and the strong, especially those of the second belt.

- Isabelle Bianquis , Head of Inclusion and Probation Directorate, inter-regional prison services in Paris supplied the information needed to climb to records prison service and so exploit the possibilities of integration projects.

- Florence Durieux, Project Development Group Rampart Ile de France, gave the keys to help achieve work camps for renovations.

- Myriam DAUPHIN , Regional Delegate, Studies and projects in Ile de France, presented the objectives of the association that prepares rehabilitation and active sites.

- Alfred Breitel , President of the Association "The Caponier" (90), summed up his approach and implementation of an association which maintains, renovates and rehabilitates highlights its region (Belfort ).

- Claude pennywhistle, Delegate of the Heritage Foundation in the Val de Marne (94), summarized the achievements of the Heritage Foundation and the means to achieve it.

- Freddy DOLPHIN , project manager north, General Council of the North (59), discussed ways to unite the municipalities that are involved in a European heritage today, in light of his experience as an elected project leader.

The conference ended with a tour of Fort Sucy Robert Jacques and Jean-Jacques Pernot, historian.

noticed the presence of elected officials of Noisy le Grand (93), Chennevières (94), Buc (78), Saint Quentin en Yvelines (78) and Sucy (94) who have a strong Sere de Rivieres in their territory, the representative of u Training Centre of the Paris firefighters based in Fort Villeneuve Saint Georges (94), the History Department of Defense and association representatives stressed their interest in this heritage.

Two articles published in Le Parisien, 7 November 2009 (Editions du Val de Marne and Seine-Saint Denis) chronicled the event.
host associations met to consider the result of the conference on other matters and other locations to be determined.

P. Cotte, President and Yveline Meline Association for the Protection of Fort Villiers (1)


* ASFV: Association for the Protection of Fort de Villiers
* ALDF: At the Association discovery of Fort Sucy

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How To Get Infinete Credits In Poptropica

For Jami ...

... and others who want o)
You asked me a tutorial for the boards, here is a blog very nice to search.

As for the movable alphabet, I bought it at oppa-montessori . That

: o)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bible Verse For Relaxation

Summary of interventions and publications acts

Summaries of statements are published in January 2010 pending the publication of the proceedings of the conference planned by mid 2010.

Download conduct interventions :

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doujinshi Sasusaku Handmade Heart Descarga

Conference presentation

The Forts of the second ring of Ile de France was built between 1874 and 1885 to protect the capital following the Prussian invasion of 1870. Today, forgotten and no real heritage status, they escape any device classification (inventories of sites ...) and thus constitute spaces where multiple development projects can be considered. However, while it is allowed in these places of memory? What are the trails to explore for economic recovery they found a "new life", how to simultaneously preserve evidence of history and by what means the issue?
The various media (blogs, websites, ...) devoted to military history sites, where attendance is rising, are the emerging possibility of a new tourism theme. This could be developed through regional dialogue and engagement around an elected joint governance of heritage as a whole: a "Way of the forts of Ile de France." Make this forgotten heritage means to fight against the commoditization of the contemporary landscape through inclusion in planning documents and in the spaces constituting the green belt would encourage initiatives contributing to its development and its animation.

Vector social integration and professional development creates wealth and employment. The integration projects in the field of restoration of heritage buildings provide an opportunity for people with social problems, through learning, to acquire the skills of a trade, access to employment and contribute to the preservation of traditional skills. But it is necessary for it to explore and control the sources of funding: EU funds, national, regional, local as well as sponsorship opportunities.

"Heritage is increasingly a popular appropriation" says Philippe Nachbar, Senator of the Meurthe-et-Moselle, author of the report "Culture - Heritage - Transmission of knowledge published in 2007. Heritage embodies in fact the dimension that guides all the others because it carries with it what we seek: the maintenance of markers and the transmission of memory that must be the foundation of urban policy at a time when the uprooting of populations and the loss of landmarks are major social events.

See press release for download below cons.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Virtual Tech Deck Games For Free

history of building forts in the Ile de France

Enactment of law on the new forts
build around Paris from March 27, 1874

July 1870. War is declared between France and Germany. Bismarck's troops swept into Paris. The armies of the Empire capitulated and Napoleon III was taken prisoner. The armistice, signed in January 1871 led to the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine to the German Empire.

March 1874. The draft of the commission of the army is adopted in the National Assembly by 386 votes against 191. Prime Minister Adolphe Thiers, erected a fortified belt around Paris in a global project of fortification used by General Sere de Rivieres, then Director of Engineering.

From 1874 to 1881, 18 forts, 34 defense batteries and 5 redoubts were built around Paris. The defense of Paris was strengthened in its eastern part by the Fort de Villiers in the commune of Noisy-le-Grand (1878-1880), Fort de Champigny (1878-1880), Fort Sucy-in -Brie (1879-1881). [1]

groups of forts built between 1874 and 1882 are divided into three sectors. It is north: Cormeilles Montlignon, Domont Montmorency Écouen, the Butte-Nip and Stains. The second area to the east is formed by the strong Vaujours, Chelmsford, Villiers, Champigny, Sucy, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

The south-west account books Palaiseau, Villas, High-Buc, Saint-Cyr, and Hell Hole. Listed here are the major works, many of them are outstanding architectural witnesses

All forts and military construction projects outside Paris is an almost forgotten heritage.

in 2014 will be the centenary of the Great War 1914-1918.

[1] Journal of the National Assembly. Bills, proposals and reports. Meeting on 21 March 1874.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ca-42 067b 2303 Windows Driver

The highlights of the second ring of Ile de France: What economic value and for which projects ? Conference, November 7, 2009, Sucy-en-Brie


Conference organized by the Association Discovering Fort Sucy with the participation of Marie-Carole Ciuntu, Mayor-in-Sucy Brie and General Counsel of the Val de Marne.

The Forts of the second ring of Ile de France was built between 1874 and 1885 to protect the capital following the Prussian invasion of 1870. Today, forgotten and no real heritage status, they escape any device classification (Inventories of sites ...) and thus constitute spaces where multiple development projects can be considered. However, while it is allowed in these places of memory? What are the trails to explore for economic recovery they found a "new life", how to simultaneously preserve evidence of history and by what means the issue?

This approach highlights the tourism potential of the second ring of Ile de France, the aim being to bring out a scheme of regional tourism remarkable journey, a "Trail Highlights of the Ile de France "can enroll in the Greater Paris and in the green belt.

heritage development and generating employment, fields of employability and employment and funding - EU funds, national, regional - and the possibilities offered by sponsors will also be addressed.

The conference will revolve around three axes of reflection after the recall of the reasons for building these forts and their location:
- Economic development and heritage forts Ile de France. A regional issue. Examples of achievements
- Heritage, social inclusion and civic actors
- Funding sources

The conference targets an audience of elected officials, community representatives authorities, architects planners, managers and those involved in the conversion of military heritage fortified nineteenth century.

Date: November 7, 2009 - 9am to 16:15
followed by a visit Fort Sucy from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Espace Jean-Marie Poirier
1 esplanade of 18 June 1940 to 94,370 Sucy-en-Brie
Transport RER Line A station-Sucy Bonneuil.
Car Parking in the City

Coordination and information
Robert Jacques, President of the Association Discovering Fort Sucy (94)

email: fortsucy@wanadoo.fr
Yveline Meline, Association for the Preservation of Fort De Villiers (93)
Tel. 06 84 31 32 16 - email: @ gmail.com y.meline

20 € / person including breakfast (buffet) payable upon registration. Check made payable to: Association Discovering Fort Sucy

Bulletin and check to be sent before October 30 deadline (to ensure the best reception):
Association Discovering Fort Sucy, 11 rue Lacarrière - 94370 Sucy-en-Brie

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How To Remain Invisable On Facebook

Head in the stars ...

the night of August 12 to 13 last year, we have observed, Small Groumpf and myself, the maximum Perseids ...
A dozen shooting stars for an hour, not bad for a first time o).
(tonight, most of iota-Aquarids north ...).
I must admit that it has awakened my passion for astronomy (I am only at early stages, I really do not know much ...). I do not know if Little Groumpf was contaminated, but he acknowledged some constellations (and obviously enjoyed being alone with his mommy and stay up late, what is more).
There are many interesting sites, I put the link to the one I use often: futura-sciences (direct link to the ephemeris), and it (which includes ideas for observation with binoculars). And
software really well done: stellarium (you can "play" with the date and hours and minutes to scroll through "his" sky-falling in the latitude and longitude of where you live or where we observe the sky), with the addition , page "Education" (in English) with ideas for using the software with children and links (still full of stuff to download!) ...
Well, duh, yapuka find a way to offer me a really good pair of binoculars
(I'm not talking about my Nenette, on this side, so good ... Vui, I know, she was a little easier , that one) or else a good telescope to start kivabien ...

edit: here is an article on choosing binoculars ...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Men Who Masterbate In Public Places

Again ... A

... dinosaurs ... (Popular theme here ...) a dossier
a very nice instit 'for medium to large section (beware, the file is heavy ...):
dino project
found on the site Educasource ,
and a wonderful site to search (in English) which covers the whole story, with lots and lots of activities of all kinds:
little city kids .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Size Is C D Shoes

go ... and listen ...

Two sites that I've just discovered
Pirouettes , the blog of a teacher-oriented stories, with links to ideas of exploitation;
Tell me Francophonie, a site where you can listen and read stories of Mali, Mauritania, Senegal and Haiti, in French or the language of origin, with teaching notes.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keep White Coat Clean

Visual Arts

(it's more chic sure arts plastics?? Hey, that's not my point)

It's been a while since I wanted to tell you about two books that I find very well done on this subject which, again, the PC can be used to cm2.
Not being super good at "art pla", these books are to me a great help ...
Moreover, they often activity relationship and a work or artist:

(images stitched in one ama *)

I also found some nice sites and blogs on this subject (the first air s inspire these books): Visual Arts

To our pencils
Notebooks Josephine

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Genital Discolouration

I come back ... Triangles

No time or inclination to feed this blog (of others write better than me ... here or there ) during this past year ...
head to the grindstone, migraines (This explaining this?), Children very time-consuming ...

Well, no good (s) resolution (s) to come, but the urge to tell the inspection this year ...
course, must await the report to know what it really is (that of last year had at least cooled), but the feeling is not the same at all.
course, exercises / assessments, but not presented at all like last year (this was not the same inspector).
I felt a real exchange not only between the inspector and my boy, but also with me.
From listening.
And the icing on the cake, Mr. made an amateur archeology. As Little
Groumpf is still passionate as the dinosaurs, knights, and since this year, prehistoric men, there were discussions about castles, knights weapons, then those of prehistoric humans (review of the inspector at my reaction "Do not worry, boys, we understand ...").
was much less formal, less "academic" than last year.
And I was much more comfortable (last year, I remember very well have been shaking until the start of the inspector), perhaps because we had already lived control, but I do not think this is the only reason (especially since I spent a good part of the morning yesterday with a bad ball to the stomach ...).

But I remain cautious and wait for the report o).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why Do Sucker Fish Die


This study presents some regional words and expressions used mainly in western Switzerland and Savoie. It includes 1691 entries. There are more scholarly works written by linguists. This list rather part of these booklets, these hasty lexicons with regional local words that make you laugh and cry in the cottages, such as "do schmolitz", "a Panossas", "the tiaffe.

However it combines two advantages: access is easy, and it's free. It is also the most comprehensive available on the Web, with 1691 definitions.

The geographical reference data for some entries is not restrictive, the term in question can be used elsewhere, even outside the field Franco-Provençal: Quebec, Belgium or Africa or Oceania. In this case, it is Old French words often fell into disuse elsewhere.

For brevity, certain terms are defined elsewhere. See also pages devoted to place names in western Switzerland and surroundings.

Words marked with an asterisk (*) are not documented in any written source, but were reconstructed by etymological analysis.
Ph. Egger