This study presents some regional words and expressions used mainly in western Switzerland and Savoie. It includes 1691 entries. There are more scholarly works written by linguists. This list rather part of these booklets, these hasty lexicons with regional local words that make you laugh and cry in the cottages, such as "do schmolitz", "a Panossas", "the tiaffe.
However it combines two advantages: access is easy, and it's free. It is also the most comprehensive available on the Web, with 1691 definitions.
The geographical reference data for some entries is not restrictive, the term in question can be used elsewhere, even outside the field Franco-Provençal: Quebec, Belgium or Africa or Oceania. In this case, it is Old French words often fell into disuse elsewhere.
For brevity, certain terms are defined elsewhere. See also pages devoted to place names in western Switzerland and surroundings.
Words marked with an asterisk (*) are not documented in any written source, but were reconstructed by etymological analysis.
Ph. Egger
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