Head in the stars ...
the night of August 12 to 13 last year, we have observed, Small Groumpf and myself, the maximum Perseids ...
A dozen shooting stars for an hour, not bad for a first time o).
(tonight, most of iota-Aquarids north ...).
I must admit that it has awakened my passion for astronomy (I am only at early stages, I really do not know much ...). I do not know if Little Groumpf was contaminated, but he acknowledged some constellations (and obviously enjoyed being alone with his mommy and stay up late, what is more).
There are many interesting sites, I put the link to the one I use often: futura-sciences (direct link to the ephemeris), and it (which includes ideas for observation with binoculars). And
software really well done: stellarium (you can "play" with the date and hours and minutes to scroll through "his" sky-falling in the latitude and longitude of where you live or where we observe the sky), with the addition , page "Education" (in English) with ideas for using the software with children and links (still full of stuff to download!) ...
Well, duh, yapuka find a way to offer me a really good pair of binoculars
(I'm not talking about my Nenette, on this side, so good ... Vui, I know, she was a little easier , that one) or else a good telescope to start kivabien ...
edit: here is an article on choosing binoculars ...
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