Friday, December 7, 2007

How To Put Cheats Onto Gpsphone]

Time flies ... The passage of time

... and I'm neglecting my blog (it's nothing to say ...).
No, we have not dropped ...
It hangs, it hangs ...
Especially since Little Groumpf is in a boom ("I love learning," he says) with a desire to read everything that comes into his eyes, and that's great!! A

info that may interest some people: I was able to register for CDDP (Departmental Centre for Educational Documentation) in my department as "mom who is the school his children." I do not know if this is possible everywhere (I guess that depends on the people who work there), but loses nothing by asking (if not, the books are available on site anyway and what, without being registered ).

is the kind of things I found:

Lots of different media on lots of different subjects (not much about Montessori directly "though).

I hope that my next Tickets will not be posted in three months ... o)
Next time, I speak of "lapbooking" a way to learn things to children is very playful activity that I discovered a few months ago and we're testing: o)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Furnes Reverse Polarity

I'm very glad I bought the book "Balthazar and the passage of time", a book which is part of a collection based on the Montessori method.
Because before, I could hardly see what the "boom time".
Here she comes, with labels to stick to the days of the week, months and seasons. I redid
labels for days and hung up the beam of children (for now Is little that sticks Groumf day).
We started in August and he begins to identify the week (so far, I did not insist on the names of days, etc. ...).
And I would not hurt to do it again next year.

I printed on Saturday and Sunday in blue to mark the weekend, but I wonder if I should not change for Sunday and Monday, because Dad works Groumf Saturday and not Monday ...
you think?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Baking Of Cake In Microwave


Groumf Little is resisting ... he wants to do any activity. And
I get discouraged.
I want to send any stroll to find a job (but what??) And basta ...
I'm tired of reaching the confrontation ...
Does this happen there too?
How do you handle these little "failures"?

(but I'm stubborn, I will not give ... Groumff to the end, op)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Brent Corrigan Ver Online

Pirates mathematicians

To answer Princess Peas , here's a "guidebook" on the game:
OF First, photo:

The Unboxed: the cover plate serves as the discs and pins (pirates) are distributed to players (I think we can happen disks noting the numbers on a sheet, what Groumpf Petit), the large disc serves as verification of results.

Ready to start?
chips are placed in boxes and you throw the dice but not cannonballs o) to get the numbers to play (you can use only numbers whose sum is less than 10, for example).
And his pawn advances only if it found the correct result of the operation. Operation
you can predefine or let fate decide (there are some specifications).

There are two other games: the first setting the speed (and accuracy, of course) to load and the other is a kind of memo.
(I think it costs around 20 euro).

I'm not very good at the reports (I have lost the habit ... ^ _ ^) I hope nevertheless to have responded to your expectations, Princess Peas: o).

Friday, September 21, 2007

God Bless You In Marrige


I found an interesting game brand Haba (I love their games): Pirates Mathematicians.
He deserves to mix a theme dear to the heart of Little Groumpf-pirates-and mathematical operations.
There are several rules under the operation or proposed operations and / or known (and one can choose the numbers add up for example to ensure that the amount remains below 10).

Small Groumpf loves to play all alone with someone and to make additions
uses bars colored beads:

and it works very well.
: o)

What Can You Use Instead Of Reblochon

Dictation silent

Small Groumpf do not build words with the movable alphabet.
a pinch, put the letters after rough each other and laugh because it's impossible to read (yes, he is a gambler; oD). But
build words from "nothing", no.
By cons, he loves dictated dumb (perhaps because it is new ... I received them Wednesday).
The images look attractive and he likes to manipulate the movable letters.

I think I need to learn patience and trust in me I felt badly done, even if Little Groumpf recognize a lot of sounds / letters, but eventually it has paid off ...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Caesars Palace Bath Robe


Groumpfette Groumpfinette and at work ...
I can not make them understand the "taking turns": o /
So here they combine images them (as a puzzle): sun and moon, castle and queen ...
is a good exercise in vocabulary: o)
Groumpfette makes the game trying to find the images / words that go together, while Groumpfinette is the type to take the pieces one by one to see who will "back in the hole" (they are twins ... it's fun and interesting to see that they each have their ways).

Monday, May 28, 2007

What Does A Mild Case Of Genital Warts Look Like

The headings

: GA Aufwind, 5th, German

In your book, within each chapter , there are topics, you may ask yourself be what they are and what these terms mean. As I know that many teachers fail to explain the headings, Here are some explanations. The main body of the chapter itself is divided into 3 acts as some plays where different activities and exercises constitute the scenes.

These acts are thus entitled 1. Akt (pronounced Erster Akt ) 2. Akt (Zweiter Akt ) 3. Akt (Akt Dritter).

These acts are followed by an additional one or two pages, consisting of optional activities and exercises that your teacher can make you do or not. This interlude is named " zwischendurch "which would mean" Between . "This word consists of two prepositions zwischen (between) and durch (through).

On two or three pages is then the grammar . The title of these pages Grammatik ist Trumpf means Grammar is a trump .

Then in section Anders geht's auch , you find a bit of civilization in relation with the contents of the chapter and its theme, because even if the book forms a continuous history, each chapter has a theme.'s Anders geht auch means : Otherwise, it works well.

Then two sections complete the chapter, it is

1) Lauter Laute : Nothing that sounds. It's pronunciation exercises.


2) Wortschatz : Vocabulary . Half a page where you can find the vocabulary grouped by semantic fields.

In the test booklet, we find the same items.

Paragraphs tinted gray Merk dir das (Note the well!) are summarized important to complete first and to learn next.

Within a few business topics always come back and I'll immediately give the translation of instructions, so that you can understand:

Hör zu! Listen! This verb has zu hören (verb preverb), listen.

Unter each gesagt : Between us (literally "told us," to say sagen (gesagt is part 2 or past participle).

Alles klar? Is everything clear? (and all of alles klar = = clear)

Lies hurt! Read a little! (From lesen = read and evil: a foisl (like Belgium!), A little).

Boxes: One more thing to define, often on the margins of the text, you find some small frames giving you the vocabulary. Or words and phrases to repeat.

Hör und Wiederhole : Listen and repeat; of hören (to hear) and wiederholen: repeat.

Erste Hilfe means First Aid: erste: first, first, die Hilfe: aid.

Well, I hope you're happy of may finally know the meaning of these sentences and phrases that you often see in your book.

Victorian Sampler By Lexington Furniture Company

Klasse oder Klassenzimmer?

Sometimes to translate a French word, it uses different words in German. The opposite is also possible. Many German words translate a French word.

The word class corresponds to several words in German:
you translate: "It class!" with "Es ist klasse !"

The class is also a train Klasse (name with a capital letter). Example: Erste Klasse first class Zweite Klasse , Second Class).

The class in which you find yourself this year is also a Klasse. Ich bin in der Klasse siebten . The seventh class = our fifth.

For cons the classroom will result das Klassenzimmer or der Klassenraum .

Die Klasse is a whole person while das Klassenzimmer and der Klassenraum are places.

How To Get A Smaller Inner Lips

Chapter 1: Understanding and put it (aid): Indicate the place and from the various Länder

text reference Aufwind, 5th, (Cambridge University Press), p. 9-15.
Every beginning chapter you can see that it gives you a title (here, Was gibt's Neues ?-What did he again?)

- You are told in this first chapter you will learn to indicate the location and source , but there is no abstract about it in the end of the chapter. Here is one.

Here first the expressions in chapter indicate where you are (rental) (think of to keep this word to "locate"):

- in der Klasse within ( Klasse: all people, considered as a place, see above article Klasse or Klassenzimmer ? / Be in the class).

- im Internet suchen / search the Internet

- in Katalogen suchen / search through catalogs

- im Sekretariat sein / be at secrétatiat

- auf der Toilette breast / toilets to be

- an einem Tisch sitzen / sit at a table

- (19) in Kaliningrad wohnen / Living in Kaliningrad

- in Russland geboren sein / Being born in Belarus

- nicht in Deutschland geboren in: / not born in Germany

- in Frankreich geboren sein / to be born France

If you look what prepositions are used here in these expressions that indicate where you are, you find three: in, year auf. They are part of the new spatial prepositions governing the dative sometimes, sometimes the accusative. For a rental, as here, we use the dative .

With some supplements are employed instead auf rather than in. It use (how we usually talk about) which tells me if I need to use auf or in. For example I would say: auf der Universität studieren. Why study * " on" University rather than at university, mystery! That is what we call the use!

Why do you say " einem Tisch sitzen year ? Because it is against the table and year ... within means be placed against something. It is also used in other expressions as "an die Tür klopfen (knock at the door) or" an die Tafel schreiben (chalkboard), but here with the accusative.

Now consider the preposition most used in the expressions we found: in . We see that it is sometimes followed by a critical, sometimes not. She sometimes form im . For im is simple, im mean in dem , the - m of the dative here is directly carried by the preposition. This contraction of the preposition and definite article dem , is not mandatory.

im Internet suchen = Suchen in dem Internet

im Sekretariat breast in dem Sekretariat within

In in der Klasse suchen, der is determinative of the dative feminine die.

Then come four expressions with names of cities and countries in which we find : in Kaliningrad, in WeiBrussland, in Deutschland, Frankreich in . The rules shall with names cities or countries (for countries, there will be some exceptions)

a) it employs by article.

b) that the in which is in addition to or instead it is (rental) opposes nach the place where one goes (directional ) : wohnen in Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad be ) opposes fahren nach Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad go ) in Frankreich in (being in France) opposed nach Frankreich zurückfahren.

in Katalogen suchen: here there is not a determinant because it is plural ein , the plural of ein is called in French the partitive of , and that we "translated" into German by the absence of the article.

similar expressions, but likening someone to a place :

- bei dem Schulleiter sein / be at the head of the school (or so that it sounded more French, be at the office.
Here the Schulleiter (principal) replaces all the place where he works. In French, in fact, the office is mentioned!

is formed with the many expressions bei + dative (to express the locative) which opposes zu + dative (to express the directive).

- bei dem Bäcker breast / zu gehen dem Bäcker.

be the baker / baker go

- bei dem Arzt breast / dem Arzt zu gehen

- be the doctor, go to the doctor.

indication from :
Wilfried kommt aus WeiBrussland. / Wilfried just

kommt aus Hamburg Anne. / Anne comes from Hamburg

kommt aus Marseille. William / Guillaume Marseille just

In these three examples, we see that the source is expressed with an additional basis for the preposition aus . With the preposition aus we can introduce the city or the country where you came from.

How are indicated in the complex noun phrase from someone:

Der Junge aus WeiBrussland. / The boy Belarus

Here the verb between der Junge and complement that begins aus is implied. It is believed der Junge, der kommt aus WeiBrussland the boy, who just Bilélorussie.

In chapter one also finds expressions indicating the place where you will:

- nach Frankreich fahren / go to France

- nicht ins Ausland fahren / do not go abroad

- gehen in die Bibliothek. / Go to the library

- gehen ins Reisebüro / go to a travel agency

I have already spoken of the nach that in groups prépositionels with names of cities or countries, indicates the direction, while in the is the lodging. One can oppose the in and contrast the example nach Frankreich fahren to in Frankreich wohnen .

nach Frankreich fahren (one in France) opposed in Frankreich wohnen (to live in France).

We have already seen that im is a contraction in dem , ins will he, a contraction in das .

expressions that begin here by ins also opposed to those starting with im .

ins Ausland fahren / im Ausland breast go overseas / abroad


gehen ins Reisebüro / im Reisburo breast go to a travel agency, be in an agency travel.

Expressions like equating a person or group of people to a place :

- sich zu setzen jemandem sich zu ihm setzen = / = sit next to someone sitting near him

- zu gehen jemandem ihm zu gehen = go at someone a = go home

We have already spoken of the opposition bei (rental) / zu (directional ) . Here's another sample.

expressions are opposite:

- jemandem sitzen bei: sitting next to someone.

- bei jemandem breast be in someone

similar expressions, but assimilating an event to a place :

- auf eine Party einladen / invite to a surprise party (a boom)

opposes auf einer Party breast to be a surpise party (a boom).

Here is the event which serves as a place in "gehen zum Sport" or "gehen zum Tanz." However

in these expressions which event replaces the place rules of conflict between the locative (where it is) and prescriptive (place where people go) are also valid . After auf we used the accusative in the first case an invitation to come to a party. While the other was added a-r to the dative (in auf einer Party in .).

Well, I hope these few indications supplémentraires will enlighten you.

If I can, dear pupil, to give you advice, teach, instead of learning individual words, expressions from this lesson by heart and their meaning, and the combination preposition / case / tense (and meaning of the verb ) you will become familiar and you use it without thinking in the conversation.


Severe Itching On Legs

On page 8 of your book "Aufwind" you can find a list of the various German states. These Länder correspond roughly to the French regions. Some however are smaller: The two cities of the Hanseatic League (a chain of trading cities of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance) Bremen, Bremen called German or Hansastadt Bremen (HB) and Hamburg, called Hamburg German or Hansastadt Hamburg (HH). I gave brackets vehicle registration in these cities. The city of Berlin Land also has by itself.
Link to find Länder and cities:
For Land: Klick hierher.
For Cities: Klick hierher. (Cities are listed alphabetically. Click on the letter corresponding to the city sought). Oder hierher. )
On this page, also referred to Austria and Switzerland, but we'll talk later.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

High How Up Do You Put Holdbacks

Knut, the polar bear from Berlin

Born in December 2006, a few months ago, the little bear cub Knut has become the favorite zoo in Berlin, while Berlin and throughout Germany, he even earned an international reputation.

Here's a link to watch Knut in its first few weeks (the site of the Berlin zoo).

And another link on the Berlin Zoo .

Otherwise, you also have other links on my German lessons and Germany to watch the little bear cub Knut.

dominique / Dominika