Monday, May 28, 2007

What Does A Mild Case Of Genital Warts Look Like

The headings

: GA Aufwind, 5th, German

In your book, within each chapter , there are topics, you may ask yourself be what they are and what these terms mean. As I know that many teachers fail to explain the headings, Here are some explanations. The main body of the chapter itself is divided into 3 acts as some plays where different activities and exercises constitute the scenes.

These acts are thus entitled 1. Akt (pronounced Erster Akt ) 2. Akt (Zweiter Akt ) 3. Akt (Akt Dritter).

These acts are followed by an additional one or two pages, consisting of optional activities and exercises that your teacher can make you do or not. This interlude is named " zwischendurch "which would mean" Between . "This word consists of two prepositions zwischen (between) and durch (through).

On two or three pages is then the grammar . The title of these pages Grammatik ist Trumpf means Grammar is a trump .

Then in section Anders geht's auch , you find a bit of civilization in relation with the contents of the chapter and its theme, because even if the book forms a continuous history, each chapter has a theme.'s Anders geht auch means : Otherwise, it works well.

Then two sections complete the chapter, it is

1) Lauter Laute : Nothing that sounds. It's pronunciation exercises.


2) Wortschatz : Vocabulary . Half a page where you can find the vocabulary grouped by semantic fields.

In the test booklet, we find the same items.

Paragraphs tinted gray Merk dir das (Note the well!) are summarized important to complete first and to learn next.

Within a few business topics always come back and I'll immediately give the translation of instructions, so that you can understand:

Hör zu! Listen! This verb has zu hören (verb preverb), listen.

Unter each gesagt : Between us (literally "told us," to say sagen (gesagt is part 2 or past participle).

Alles klar? Is everything clear? (and all of alles klar = = clear)

Lies hurt! Read a little! (From lesen = read and evil: a foisl (like Belgium!), A little).

Boxes: One more thing to define, often on the margins of the text, you find some small frames giving you the vocabulary. Or words and phrases to repeat.

Hör und Wiederhole : Listen and repeat; of hören (to hear) and wiederholen: repeat.

Erste Hilfe means First Aid: erste: first, first, die Hilfe: aid.

Well, I hope you're happy of may finally know the meaning of these sentences and phrases that you often see in your book.


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