Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Willa Struśińska

It's back! Learn about mind maps at the CRDP

As part of its "Wednesdays at the CRDP," the CRDP Nord - Pas de Calais offers training to mental maps for teachers of the Academy of Lille.

Click on image to enlarge

  • Session 1: Principles of mind mapping by hand and use the software FREEPLAN
  • Session 2: Development on FREEPLAN, discovery concept mapping and CmapTools software use
Participation in registration with the central question: http://crdp.ac-lille.fr/ Calendar section.

Download 2 free chapters of " Boost your efficiency with Freemind, and FREEPLAN XMind "written by Pierre Mongin and Xavier Delengaigne

Welcome back everyone!


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