Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Willa Struśińska

It's back! Learn about mind maps at the CRDP

As part of its "Wednesdays at the CRDP," the CRDP Nord - Pas de Calais offers training to mental maps for teachers of the Academy of Lille.

Click on image to enlarge

  • Session 1: Principles of mind mapping by hand and use the software FREEPLAN
  • Session 2: Development on FREEPLAN, discovery concept mapping and CmapTools software use
Participation in registration with the central question: http://crdp.ac-lille.fr/ Calendar section.

Download 2 free chapters of " Boost your efficiency with Freemind, and FREEPLAN XMind "written by Pierre Mongin and Xavier Delengaigne

Welcome back everyone!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Best Bridge Camera For Continuous Shooting

CIVICUS, 20 to 23 August 2010 in Montreal

Each year, the World Assembly of CIVICUS offers fifty activities grouped around the general theme, the theme and sub-themes of the year. Activities include plenary sessions, roundtables, workshops, networking sessions and formal events.

I am pleased to host an Open Forum with Jean-Sebastien Bouchard and Jean Fuller.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can 1 Seizure Caue Memory Loss

Multiple Intelligences

Map developed with CmapTools software

Most Famous Sports Uniform Numbers

card: Mental Emotional Intelligence Units

today I discovered the website "Map Art Mind" and especially the last card uploaded by Nitya Wakhlu: Emotional Intelligence.

"My vision for the school based on two assumptions: first, that not everyone has the same abilities or the same interests, and we do not learn all the same way. [...] The second hypothesis is more painful is that it is impossible today for anyone to grasp the knowledge in its entirety. "Gardner said.
We are all intelligent, but all in very different ways. Unfortunately, our school system is still too focused on verbal intelligence and linguistic intelligence, mathematical logic ... I have devoted a page the site Ideas ASH to Multiple Intelligences, I then presented the eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner, namely:
  • musical rhythmic intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence
  • The Interpersonal intelligence
  • bodily kinesthetic intelligence
  • verbal linguistic intelligence
  • visual spatial intelligence
  • logical mathematical intelligence
  • Intelligence naturalist
Spiritual intelligence, ninth intelligence now being considered, is defined by the ability we have to ask ourselves about the meaning and origin of things.

intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences largely correspond to what is called emotional intelligence.
For Daniel Goleman, "Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, interpret and manage their own emotions and cope with those of others." It would contribute to 80% to the success of our lives .

Therer According to Jean, a teacher at the University of Liege, "the general capacity unites many skills specific constant interference:
  • confidence
  • empathy
  • assertiveness
  • congruence
  • resilience
  • self-motivation ...
Emotional intelligence is key, too often overlooked, success and perhaps happiness. "

To learn more about Nitya Wakhlu card:

View Map or download: http:/

Visit the page devoted to ideas ASH Multiple Intelligences: