Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Women Over 50 In Nylons

Switzerland has four official languages: German, Italian, Romansh and French spoken by one fifth of the population. French in Switzerland is no different from that spoken in the neighboring French region (Franche-Comté, Savoy ,...). French is spoken in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Neuchatel, in the western half of Valais and Fribourg, as well as in the Jura and the Bernese Jura. The main feature of French Switzerland, like the French in Belgium, how to pronounce certain sounds and use of specific terms such as:
The words of French Switzerland
Ages: brotherhood of shooters
Aberg: choose a fiance
acouet: Energy
a-bottom: thorough cleaning of the house
agnoti: innocent, simple-minded
Referral: pile of various objects
apigeonner: catching
appondre: Add
armailli: cowherd- Alpine cheese
polished: coup, accuses
din kiss baisure
Banban: lazy
barjaquer: talking fast like a magpie
baster: renounce
Bazul: match
Beder: miss
Bénichon: feast of the parish team
hydrocleaner: dung
biborne: snail
Biscom: gingerbread
bletz: patch
beef : Fool
buggy: Moped
boile: milk can
Boiton: piggery
friendly good-hand tip
bordier: riparian
Borgnet: skylight
bait: small child
bougiller: stir constantly
ball Basel: sausage
bourbine: German Switzerland (pejorative)
bourgeois living a common
Brant: vintage hood
waffle: Waffle small flat
binge: quarrel
Cachemaille: moneybox
caluger: skid
cancoire span: Chafer
Township: State of the Swiss Confederation
Carnotzet small intimate bar
carrot red beetroot
PO Box: PO Box
Catel: ceramic tile
cayon: pig
channe: glass carafe
Chenailler: shake
cheneau: gutter
chnabre disorder: worry
ciclée: Squeal
Clopet: nap
Coco: pampered
Confederate: citizen of the Swiss Federal Councillor
: Minister
Coquillon: lock of hair whorl
: paper bag
Cotterd: meeting to talk
cotzon: neck
rind: someone from slow crust cheese
Courat: running by it, by then
crâlée: swank swarm
: showing off
burst: a lot or a blunder
smoke-screen: miser
crouille: poor quality
toast covered: cover
CUISSET: shorts, sports
cuplette: cabriole
cynorrhodon: Rosehip
déboquer: beat in a contest discuss
: add
will became: weaken
déguille (er): laughter (much laughter)
half: half liter of wine
Deniot: discovering a stash
dérupe: slope less swollen slippery
: deflates
dévaloir: chutes
dévousoyer: staring directly maliciously
: directly
ébriquer (brick): break
éclafer: puncture, crush
Trainer: state schoolboy
up crushed: defeat
stripper: wife vine trunk cleaner
embardoufler: dirty
(s') Embrier : From
empotringuer: annoying things bother
(s') encoubler: entangled
encrotter: bury
engnioller: annoy
époullailler: scare
époussoir: small horsehair brush
lantern: Lantern, get all red
braggart : musician in a band
Federal: drunkenness stinker
-air splits: braggart
Tinplate: plumbing-zinguerie
figâce: cake baked
Filoche: shopping bag
ass: affront
firabe: closing time
foehn hair dryer
Follo: crazy
melted : the Swiss national dish with melted cheese
fouillouze: fried pocket
: extreme cold fricassee
: fiery
frouille: cheating
gabion: small shed
attic: an attic
galiaufre: glutton
galavarde: girl who loves the company of boys
Gandois: Sornette
abusing policeman:
chapped dry sausage: miter-gling gling
: Atrial
Goger: hatching (illness)
gole: sip
swells: snowdrift
gouille: mare
grenette: indoor market
greubon: bacon
greulette: flickers
climbed: pushy
griot boy
Guillon: ankle barrel
gam: shoulder
gulu: type
Hall Gymnastics gym
crate: crate bottle
eighty: eighty
captive: safety pin
inalpe: mounted Alpine
gloat: enrage
mop: square of terry cloth to wash
lick: squander
linens: towels sponge
booklet: multiplication table
toboggan slide sledge
difficult: embarrassment
marzipan: Marzipan
mascogne: Let's copy
Me-neck: I
medzi: healer
mégotte: schoolteacher
Wonderland pastry
grind: bored
Meuron: blackberry
minçolet: slender
mollachu: listless person
Momier: bigot
jawed: loudmouth
Morse: Bite, bite
swum: fall full length
neigeotter: Snow
nose-to-air : dizzy
NIFL: sniffing
niflet: nose
nion: bread nut
cate: to win the game
Noireaud: black hair col-our
: we
ninety: ninety
order: that is filthy
order: shovel broom
oblivion pastry or sealing wax
pailleu: hat Straw
Panossas: mop
papet shirt tail soup thick
papette: food too thick
papotche: mud
péclot: bike
Pégot go wrong: schoolmaster
hanged person engaged
weigh : press
pete many, accident
pétiaffe: Bum
hickeys: ill walk
pétoche: fear
peuffe: dust
physiotherapy physiotherapy
Plautus: leg, leg
public pillar: location of the official posters
pint: Inn
pintocher: drink drunk
ax: ski pole
Piornais: whining
Picnic moon pissed distracted
: heavy rain
pive: fruit conifer
Pivolis: ladybug, ladybird
messenger: seedling
pleuvignier: light rain
pluck: quilt
ladle handle: puppy
garden: cook
potringuer: drugs
chick: chick
poutser: clean vigorously
poutzfrau: housekeeper
Protocol: Minutes
plum: plum
queuqueiller: stutter
quinquerne: boring old music
quiquageon: kiosk, handing
snapped up large quantities:
raisinet roundup: gooseberry
quency: Saw
Rampon: lettuce, corn salad grater
: miser
rapercher: catching
rapicoler: re-energize
rebimbollion: reference, gurgling
reboil: stir, stir
rebus: return of the cold
redzipet: rapporteur
regent: primary school teacher Campaign
rewashing: to dishes
snorted: Sniff
spilled coffee with lots of milk
FILLED: action to once again position
repoussegnon: small snack
syringe: boring speeches
Rioul: booze
ristrette: small espresso
roille: heavy rain
Roner: growl
kingdom lounging
ruclon: manure, landfill
ruclonner: rummaging through garbage cans
tough: oddly
Ruper: grab, spend
salt: pancake egg and butter
Samaritan: aider
schlaguée: Correction
se-neck: he
seven: seventy
signeaufile: flashing
care: Carefully store
waitress: waitress
Sugus caramel fruit
tablard: radius of a cupboard - beta, blundering (Vaud)
shelf: lozenge, candy
tasks: homework
taguenasser: worry
talmacher: jabber-tasters
dzénaille: indecisive person
Tavan: gadfly
tchuffer: making a big wet kiss-neck tee
: you
tiper: save on the cash register
barrel: expletive
familiar early-fact: cake quick
Tore: fire shepherd
toupine: big jar of clay or stupid woman
tracassin: faulty machine
trace: delete
dragging shoe: one who goes from bar to bar
tempering wet
Tremblett: flickers
trigaille: nocturnal
Verrees: when one offers to pay
drink: down
Virolet: small turn your
Col.: You
vogue: fair
fly comrades students in a class
voting: vote
welsche: Suisse Romande (pejorative)
wiguêtze: feasting
witz: joke
yass: card game playing cards close to
Yorba: spiral staircase
zwieback: sweet biscuit oblong
The expressions French Switzerland
do double work: to work in duplicate
to enjoy: enjoy
be level: be level
I come first: I'll be right back
farewell : hello! goodnight!
go with: attending
I went: I went
go swimming: a swim
cons go: go to
a year ago back: one year ago this
s'appondre to the task: get to work with zeal
get it: fall on
sometimes plant: come what may
wait on someone, wait for someone a
dinner with potatoes: potato dinner with
why: besides
I had seen: I saw him once
have the go-go: do not keep up
be swinging on: hesitate
have the ball: be pregnant
give a tip: make a wind
ball into someone, hit someone
bobéchon to mount: mount to head
is good hot: it is very hot
nothing good: so good
have a good way: look good
terminal hydrant: pump
fire arms hanging: arms dangling
burns: there is a fire
he did it: he did it
it rains in secret: he pleuvine
bend over: skip class
this devaluation, reva it: it's not going well, it'll still bring a case
: returning home drunk
take a box, take a bashing
it allowed the keg shit: it's really annoying
will therefore, eh! caqueux! : Will then, pathetic!
father Barge: Santa
bath room: bathroom dining room
dining room, laundry: laundry cart
of beggars! : Beggars cursed
carrion of kids! : Damn kids
Oak: messy
put themselves in the Quixote: shelter from the rain
citizen-soldier soldier Swiss
Me-collar: myself-neck tee
: yourself
like that great : Great like that as that as
: anyway
cons three hours, around three hours
rate a door closing a door key
bend school: playing truant
Racing School: Annual school trip
cry on: criticizing
remained hooked: stuck
cooked Federal: famous terracotta
flat ass: behind the
in cupessese: upside
déchotter: exit shelter from the rain
little disappointed: disappointed
disappointed as well: positively surprised after
ask: learn
ask a question: a question
since very small: from an early age
get on the rout: lead a dissipated life
rout :
lead to confusion: not being open net
dian: high noon
say something reprimand
give the tour: to get away
give bad weather bad weather can happen
right cons: right
direct right: quite
zou name of name of God
kindergarten: kindergarten
never mind: it's the same thing
be considerably excited: to be moved
s'encrouyer: slumming
send bathe someone, send someone walk
this is terrible: it's amazing
up the stairs to the top: climbing the stairs
fall down the stairs: the stairs down
-made excuse: I'm sorry
Express: intentionally
not express: do not intentionally
illness: being ill
plumber do: work as plumber
just do: make it so
because: it's funny
be drunk end: be absolutely drunk
to strength: so
tote pillow: pillow
tote sofa: sofa cover
tote camera: camera case
tote disc: disc jacket
on France: France
brag stores: bargain hunting
master Orchard: cheese
pay braids: a new exercise in rank
ganguille: Tattered
Gatti: truancy
a splash of alcohol: a drop of alcohol
a long spurt: a very large individual
have scratches: experience itching
be gray-green: to be under arms
by chance can be
up the stairs to the top of the stairs
go up a hill: climb a hill to the top
last night: last night
have idea: suppose the
Jean Rosset The sun
the Jean d'Yverdon: West Wind, south-west
play here: it's just, it's going to see day
: Maze
butcher the day: intercept light
both: both
go away: leave
have further: have a long way to go
from any distance: the farther away
be: absent
throw away: squander
go along: last long
do it all: stay awhile
My Daughter: My faith
this mesh: it's mouth is mesh
: with laughter
c is badly done: it's a shame
eating out: go to lunch at the restaurant
have better time: it advantageous to
the same thing the same way until
thank you: thank you
lead the devil make noise
to bottom: reverse
get a party: party membership
get lawyer : Take a lawyer
one better: a more
any lesser shot
the least, the least we can do
half plus two times more than
subject: provided
that give a good-hand to tip
cram a book: a book cover
the cake prunes plum tart
go to Cowpea: go swimming
level from level
do no-no: go to sleep
no-no: go to bed
there is none like us: we are the Top
the small New Year: January 3 - family celebration
to noveyon: at nightfall
egg dirty: dirty type
oh, then! : Exclamation of surprise
own like an onion person
be extremely clean in order: it is perfect
be off with: it had finished with
a Parisian bread: a baguette
a peer from some
per set: Shared
Express: Express
thus around: about
will certainly make: forget everything
aprtout: any
not? : Is not it?
tab rewashing: mop for washing
peel eggs: eggs écaler
person I saw: I saw no
ever so slightly: a little more
I 'I crushed: I drooled
send someone to Pives: send someone walk
ask Hideouts : Give up
put a car on blocks: put a car on blocks
more good: best
much worse: worse
no longer forward: no longer able to continue
either not: no Nor
be of either: no more power to the
Potter: What to sulk
: as
own in order:
bled when is that? : When is it?
if I were you: for you
qué? : Is not it?
not: of course not
what is it? : What?
grate above: getting yelled at
Reculet: Backwards
narrow: bedtime
reloin: New
be given away: tired, having arrived at
again during repetition period of military service
repoutzé: Prim
the foresight: the revoyure
to laughter: as we laughed!
roille the rain: rain pouring
rondo with gusto
I rote: I drooled
be roye ... or else! : Being crazy
put themselves in the Quixote: get away without further
: without further discussion
health and life: your health
fluids or Schmolitz: empty his glass with a single stroke someone we will tu
the week: weekdays
be served:
be satisfied service! : At your service
use this thing to use this thing
made only: please
be worry: worry
within the scope: to be within the scope of a beautiful
Switzerland : A brave
make Switzerland: eating alone
for sure: of course not as
: not so much as
early: so early
as for me: as for me
tarter to someone: someone upset
such and such: doe
have better time: it advantageous to
these days: now
a drawn: trafficked
draw side: look like
fall upon: attack
Tournament head dizzy
all good, all is well
everything everywhere absolutely across all full
nice: it's kind
suddenly: suddenly
at the very beginning: at the beginning
me that's all: it is I who made
reduce old shoes: store his old shoes
come after: continue
cons come: come to come over
: chasing
come down: he wants to get
rain: it will rain
it means: it will
Ph. Egger


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