Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In Poptropica Can You Write Messages

Control ... more

Finally, it happened;)
So it did not go perfectly, but hey, it's going ... Small
Groumpf was entitled to almost 1h30 evaluation tests beginning CE1, while I believe he has no end level PC ...
That said, the inspector tried not to defeat, when he noticed that my loulou do not happen, he was doing the activity or otherwise he changed altogether for it to be a little easier. And my
loulou has not seemed bothered by the conduct of the examination, or even impressed by the inspector (he managed to cheer up a few times with his reflections and remarks quite disarming) .
I have not been asked to leave them alone at first, the girls were sitting at the table to draw, but I noticed that decentralize their big brother, I have therefore taken into the lounge part of the room.
I regret not having dared my man proposed that uses the Montessori materials which are usually set ...

He also considered the fact that Petit Groumpf was born in December and said it's a very intelligent boy; D (can you imagine how proud Mom).
He winced a little when he heard "Montessori" teaching it considers reserved K (I do not agree, but I did not really want to argue ...) and advised me two methods of reading. According to him, my loulou fill its "delay" in two or three months ... well, then we'll see ...
A priori, for him, we can continue, even more-and he stressed that the choice-of instruction is in the law and that it is not his role to judge or comment on this choice but to check that there is indeed education and that children are not in danger.

Now I await the final report and mail ...
(Cissou Thank you for your message asking me how it happened, it made me remember that I wanted to write a ticket; D)

I can breathe and try to evacuate all my pain emerged in recent days ...
Somatization, when you hold us ...


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