Friday, July 16, 2010

Pokémon Dawn Clothes

Ulis localized for inclusive education

Official Gazette No. 28 of July 15, 2010

device group within an institution of the second degree
NOR: MENE1015813C
Circular ° 2010-088 of 18-6-2010
text sent to the Rectors Academy

Act No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 to equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities the principle of priority enrollment of students with disabilities in mainstream schools, enrollment in specialized being the exception.
Articles D. 351-3 to D. 351-20 of the Education Code shall specify the procedures for implementation of training pathways for students with disabilities.
In the second degree as in the first, state of health or disabilities of some students may generate fatigue, slowness, learning difficulties or special educational needs who can not objectively be considered within the regular classroom. These students need more schooling arrangements flexible and diverse educational terms, they are offered by educational integration units (IPU) at the college since 1995 and 2001 in high school.
Effective September 1, 2010, all collective devices implanted in college and high school for the education of students with disabilities or disabling diseases are referred to local units for Inclusive Education (Ulis) and one of the terms implementation of educational access for these students.
This circular is to update the details of how to organize and operational arrangements of collective education of disabled students in secondary education.

1. The Ulis, an appropriate response to the needs of some students with disabilities

1.1 The title of Les Ulis is a coherent response to the needs of disabled students having:

  • TFC: Disorders cognitive or mental (including SLI writing and speech);

  • PDD: pervasive developmental disorders (including autism);

  • TFM: disorders of motor functions (including dyspraxia disorder);

  • TFA: Disorders of auditory function;

  • MVT: visual function disorders;

  • TMA: multiple disorders associated with (multi-disability or disabling illness).
These names do not constitute, Les Ulis, an administrative classification. They allow the academic authority to make a map of Les Ulis, mentioning the major axes of their organization and offer to all partners a better readability.

1.2 Ulis have three characteristics that make them an essential place in the range of responses that the National Education brings the needs of disabled students in secondary education:

  • They are a collective in which some disabled students are offered an educational organization tailored to their specific needs and allowing implementation of their personalized education projects.

  • They are integral parts of the school in which they operate. Students school under Ulis students are full of the establishment and registration takes place in the division appropriate to their personalized schooling project (WEPP).

  • Within the catchment area and to offer students a wider choice of vocational training, Ulis can be organized as a network of several vocational schools. The purpose of Ulis networking is to share training facilities available to facilitate the matching of young professional project with his personal project of schooling.
1.3 Registration a disabled pupil in a school under a Ulis necessarily requires a decision of the Committee on rights and autonomy of persons with disabilities (CDAPH). The reference teacher prepares the arrival of the young in Ulis transmitting members of the team monitoring the education components of the PPS, including school ratings.

2. The Ulis, organization and operation consistent

2.1 The terms of organization and functioning of Ulis are designed for the purpose of implementing the PPS students. These are intended to attend classes in a regular class of the correspondent level of education mentioned in their PPS. However, when the learning objectives planned for them require arrangements adapted requiring consolidation and implementation by the coordinator (see below), they will be in a specific place, meeting the requirements of learning (learning materials appropriate, conditions of hygiene and safety).

Thus, it is desirable that the number of students enrolled under a Ulis exceeds not ten.
2.2 The existence of Ulis in Les Ulis facility or institution with a network "headend" requires:

  • a project of Les Ulis, part of (or ) project (s) stay at the project Ulis can articulate PPS students involved with each other and the school plan. This project relates to and involves all the professionals of the establishment, he meets the same rigorous assessment that the proposed facility. Students at Ulis participate in activities organized for all students under the school plan;

  • a conventional setting: the different partners involved in the creation of Ulis formalize their commitment by signing an agreement that specifies the conditions for the participation of each and sets specific obligations of each party.
2.3 The operation of Ulis is under the responsibility of the headteacher who:

  • conducting the enrollment of students in the institution after notification of the decision CDAPH designating the college or school in which students will attend school;

  • ensures compliance with guidelines set;

  • integrates into the overall workload, the means necessary to ensure the lessons to students at Ulis. It ensures the regularity of consultation between stakeholders;

  • organizes the evaluation of the project.
3. The Ulis, human resources mobilized

3.1 The operation of Ulis urges all actors stay

  • As part of monitoring and guidance of students, imposed by Decree No. 93-55 of January 13, 1993, teachers working with students of Ulis part in meetings of the monitoring teams of education provided Article L. 112-2-1 of the Education Code. Depending on circumstances, the headteacher and teachers who support students participating in these meetings of the SSE. They are appointed by the school head. It also organizes meetings around the coordinator on the operation of Les Ulis.

  • The Senior Education ensure the participation of students in Ulis in education, culture and sports and good organization of collective life time (food, permanence, recreation).

  • By vocational school, the head of works, by his knowledge repositories degrees, naturally plays a key role in informing the choice of vocational guidance for handicapped students, adaptations in the educational field vocational training, securing the technical platforms that will host the young and looking for internships.

  • The personal service of health promotion for students and school social service, and guidance counselor / psychologist contribute to the functioning of Les Ulis.
3.2 The role of the coordinator is stated:

  • Ulis Each has a coordinator responsible for organizing the system and the adaptation of teaching. This function is provided by a classroom teacher of Capa-SH or 2CA-SH, a full member of the school and teams to monitor the enrollment of each student with a disability.

  • The coordinator of the
    Ulis is a specialist education with students with disabilities, thus adapting learning situations to situations of disability. As such, its primary mission is in part attributable to hourly status, a mission of teaching students face to provide students with disabilities when they need it, learning situations that require their disability. His expertise allows him to analyze the impact that disabilities have on learning processes undertaken by students in order to propose the most suitable education. All students receive Ulis teaching adapted from the coordinator, not necessarily at the same time, this teaching takes place under conditions of amalgamation or of the reference class. In addition, the coordinator organizes the work of disabled students under its responsibility according to information given by the PPS and in conjunction with ESS. Finally, if not primarily intended to provide professional support to teachers who are not specialized, it is yet to establish a contact essential.

  • The teacher assigned a Ulis holds the option of Capa-SH or 2CA-SH is best suited to the project the device. It is the academic authority to arrest for each of Ulis or options that qualify to practice in Ulis considered several options that can allow a teacher to act as coordinator in a given account of Ulis its characteristics and its project.
4. The Ulis, a device for the dynamic construction of the course the student's disability

More than for other students, for students to Ulis, successful phase of orientation should give rise to specific preparation, detailed in a section dedicated to the guidance within the PPS. This component, known as custom project orientation (PPO) integrated into the PPS, mobilized students and their families, institutions of origin and destination and academic authorities, under the guidance and procedures that the Trust 'they put in place. Students benefit from the devices Ulis ordinary preparation for these transitions: pathways of discovery and trades training, coaching, training or upgrading bridges, personal interviews Guidance personalized and implemented in high schools (general and technical, professional).

Particular attention is also paid to what students have Ulis, at the passing of examinations and assessments, assistance and facilities adapted to their situation. Regarding the examination preparation, and the aid arrangements must be consistent with Articles D. 351-27 in D. 351-32 of the Education Code. The headteacher ensures that students are informed at the earliest adequate procedures to file a planning application, and that they are supported in their efforts if they wish.

Finally, the question of paratransit students Ulis, especially to the place of any course or to the place of a specific subject teaching (EPS) must be a careful preparation, especially with the local authorities concerned.

4.1 In college:

  • Like other students, students enrolled in college Ulis are holding a personalized booklet skills (LPC) which are mentioned in the skills of the "common core of knowledge and skills," validated throughout their career.

  • For students whose Ulis PPS does not provide access to the national certificate, the award of the Certificate of General Education (CFG) is given as provided in sections D. 332-23 et seq of the Education Code.

  • activities offered to all students in the course of discovery in trades and training, from the fifth grade, must be adjusted specific needs of students in Les Ulis.

  • For students whose PPS provides after school in the college access to vocational skills training, internships in companies, organized by treaty (including specifying the terms and transportation financing and that using human and material potential) to verify the relevance of the professional project.

  • The conventionnement possible with Segpa or a nursing home can facilitate a first approach to career fields by offering students activities pre-diversified business.
4.2 In general and technological lycée:

  • For students whose Ulis PPS provides for the preparation of a general education diploma or technological, educational team, particularly the coordinator Ulis, accompanies the project to further study and prepares students for special working conditions they will encounter in higher education.

  • Students will also benefit from all available personalized support, which will be implemented from the academic year 2010 under the high school reform.

  • The academic advisor will contact the appropriate time with the corresponding handicap of higher education to ensure the transition.
4.3 In vocational school (LP):

  • Ulis in the LP is organized to make them accessible to disabled students courses that are taught. It is possible to organize a network of Ulis in vocational high schools to broaden the supply training given to students with disabilities.

  • For students Ulis LP in which the project provides personalized schooling directly social and professional integration in sheltered or mainstream schools with special support, special attention is paid to:

    • to build social skills and self-supported on the repository of teaching preventive-health-environment (RB No. 30 dated July 23, 2009);

    • knowledge and skills that structure the 7th skill the common core of knowledge and skills (Appendix to RB No. 40 of October 29, 2009).
Ulis The Coordinator develops, in conjunction with partners to accompany the student actions to let him know the dimensions of the social and professional life he will have to meet in pursuit of his project training and integration.

  • employability prospects for students with disabilities more than others, depend heavily on the possibility for them to do internships in industry. In this respect, a partnership with Cape Jobs can be very useful. As part of the implementation of PPS, these courses should help to assess the potential of student work in a professional and thus clarify its integration project. As for other students looking for internships rests with the teaching staff in connection with the head of research. A conventionnement may be provided with a nursing home providing vocational training or FSC, provided they have a technical platform for the implementation of training standards.

  • From the beginning of the course in LP, the provisions necessary for the continuity of the proposed training and integration at the end of Ulis will be considered and discussed at regular meetings of the monitoring team of schooling. The modes of integration proposed by the MDPH should be anticipated and prepared in connection with the referent employability.

  • Disabled Students in Ulis LP has, as a student, the booklet custom skills (LPC) who accompanied him during his school years. Whatever the purpose of schooling the young, the LPC is the preferred tool for assessing Skills acquired by it, and must be as long as possible, even after leaving school.

  • Finally, students leaving Ulis LP without being able to access a recognized qualification are awarded a certificate of professional skills acquired in training preparing for a CAP (a model certificate of competency is attached).
5. The Ulis, steering fitted to the educational needs of students with disabilities

Ulis is piloting and monitoring the academic adviser of the ASH President. Ulis map is adopted annually by the Rector on the proposal of IA-DSDEN. It is determined in particular by the following criteria:

  • characteristics of the school population concerned: number of disabled students, age distribution and basin etc.. ;

  • geographical features of the academy, distance, density of schools, areas of isolation, etc.. ;

  • map vocational training, river training, in conjunction with relevant partners and local authorities;

  • resources for educational or therapeutic support, taking account in particular the organization of health care provision and Programs interdepartmental support (Priac ).
The purpose of this map is to provide a territorial network of the Academy. In preparing its proposals, each IA-DSDEN relies primarily on the work of departmental technical group composed of representatives of decentralized government, established by section D. 312.10.13 of the Code of Social Action and families. Ulis map is validated against the academic level to ensure coherence and complementarity with the medico-social care and health care supply-driven in the regional health agencies (ARS). The representative bodies (county councils or academic Education, joint technical committees) are consulted in the creation of Les Ulis. The partners involved in the training and employability are associated with this mapping. The MDPH are kept informed of developments in the map of Les Ulis.

The NEI county-ASH, inspectors, regional education inspectors Academy (IA-IPR), including IA-IPR-EVS, and NEI-AND-EG, are responsible for regular evaluation of Les Ulis. This evaluation aims to measure the effectiveness of Ulis projects and their impact on the education of students involved. It is based on progress reports prepared under the authority of principals.

departmental plans, academic and national continuing education include measures aimed at teachers involved in Les Ulis. They also provide specific actions for teachers Holders of 2CA-SH or SH-Capa. Teachers hold the 2CA-SH or SH-Capa Ulis may participate in educational training activities of the department, organized by the departmental team of special education and the education of students with disabilities (ASH) and educational activities carried up by the disciplinary inspection body: IEN-EG and ET-IA-IPR.

This circular supersedes Circular No. 2001-035 of 21 February 2001.

For the Minister of National Education, Government spokesman,
and by delegation,
The Director General of School Education,
Jean-Michel Blanquer


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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The mind mapping by Catherine Lenglet

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Visit Catherine Lenglet Design Knowledge

"Convinced of the need to change our relationship to knowledge , including modes of cognition and more visual forms of language, she develops the concept of Design Knowledge ® since 2005. It forms today "s designers to design practice knowledge ® in the conduct and sharing their projects and also teaches this discipline at the ESCP-EAP. "

Saturday, July 3, 2010

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Revolutionize education!

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education separates many people from their natural talents
..." In response to both poignant and funny in his famous 2006 presentation, Sir Ken Robinson argues for a personalized learning instead of teaching standardized - it is about creating conditions where natural talents children can thrive. "
French translation by Stéphane Faroult.