Saturday, April 26, 2008

How Do You Use The International Colour Chart

Finally ... Some equipment

since the time it dragged ...
I finally decided to make the boxes for manufacturers triangles.
Well, for now, there is a fact.
But others will follow quickly, at least I hope so.
It's nice to reconcile with pleasure (and I have an excuse to make cardboard, D).
I found the files on this site triangles on , they are mostly ready for a long time, but their storage in enclosures not suited to anyone. Go
at work).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Retaining Walls For Sale

I continue gently-equipment manufacturing ... (I spend on cards and stamps of all kinds I print; D)

Encore cards ...

And a kind of abacus, but now it is finished, I wonder whether it was necessary to paint the beads ...

The girls love it;), their big brother too, but more for fun, he learned from his sister ...