Dinosaurs An early lapbooks that we started as a dinosaur theme.
To study these animals, I used a lot of resources on the net.
http://themamaternelle.free.fr/originaux/pr% E9histoire.html http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/ http://www.learningpage. com / (for the latter, you must register but it's free)
http://www.sedl.org/scimath/pasopartners/dinosaurs/ and we use a lapbook done everything I bought there
What a lapbook??
In material terms, it is one or more cardboard covers which are glued into booklets that can have various forms and from an educational or didactic, it is a fun way to record what ' we learn about a topic.
course we can make them yourself, but for now I prefer to buy them.
And finally I prefer those of "Hand of a Child
" those of "Live and Learn Press
To get an idea of what to What may look like a finished lapbook, you can take a ride on "hand of a child", select a topic and see an excerpt (click on "download a sample).