Saturday, December 31, 2005

How Much Are Polistil Cars Worth?

Neujahr. The three types

Berengard and his mother, Nathalie, and Tristan and all students of the colleges we want SCULPTURE GOOD LUCK IN THE NEW YEAR AND LEARN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE.
The teachers of the Saturday afternoon.
Dominique et Paul.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Hand Blender To Mix Butter And Sugar

L'absence de mon livre de ma bibliothèque depuis deux mois environ, ne pas me Permet de faire le cours Escompte. Je vais devoir ce livre avec lequel j'ai racheter enseigne à il ya un cinquième of an et demi, mais quand un nouveau j'aurai akhet book, as usual the old reviendra.C is why in the meantime, buy the new book and / or return of the former, I'm going to give you some grammar review of sixth.

  • The three types

  • In German there are three kinds:
  • The male ...
  • THE MEN has definite article der base.
  • It designates persons or animals of Male
  • der Mann (¨ st) (rights), der Lehrer (-) (Professor), der Schüler (-) (student), der Hund (-e) (the dog).
  • But some animal names that are masculine in French are masculine in German.
  • Many inanimate objects and abstract words are also masculine: der Frieden : peace, der Teller the plate.
  • The gender of German words do not always match the gender of French words, far from it! That is why we must always, when you learn the vocabulary to memorize the article (and also the plural).

  • THE FEMALE Its Base article die.
  • It refers to people or animals in the feminine:
  • die Frau (-en) (Women) die Lehrer (-nen) (Professor), die Schülerin ( -nen) (the pupil, the pupil), die Ziege (-n) (the goat), die Kuh (¨ e) (the cow).
  • But not all people who are feminine in French which will also German. We will see some exceptions to neutral .
  • As for masculine, inanimate objects and many abstract words are feminine. Especially all the words - as ung die Übung are female.

  • NEUTRAL has das Base article.
  • It means young animals as das Küken (-) (chick), das Lamm (¨ er) (lamb).
  • It also means people often Women in French, as das Fräulein (Miss), das Mädchen (-) (daughter, girl) and child ( das Kind (-er)). This suggests that in the old days we had a certain contempt for unmarried women.
  • Many inanimate objects and abstract words are neutral :
  • das Buch (¨ er): the book, das Rad (¨ st) (the bike wheel).
  • das Essen (the meal).

Bis bald!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Where Are Charlie Sheen Bowling Shirts Made?

grammatical Revisions 1 - 1 conjugation - verbs and auxiliary to this one

  • Verbe régulier: to learn (apprendre).
  • I e-learning
  • you learned st
  • he, it, they learn t
  • we learn en
  • their learning t
  • they learn en
  • you learning en

  • Verbe régulier: phone calls.
  • I to phone calls e
  • you to phone calls st
  • he et it to make phone calls t
  • telefonia wir in ihr
  • telefonia t
  • sie tele in Foni
  • Sie telefonia in

You can combine "all regular verbs in the present indicative "on this model.

  • Auxiliary "HABEN"
  • ich hab e
  • ha of st
  • er, es, sie t ha
  • wir hab in
  • ihr hab t
  • they've en

Attention! HAVE n'a pas de "b" au première et deuxième personnes du singulier ( you have, he has ).

  • Auxiliaire "BE"
  • I'm
  • you're
  • he, it, it is
  • we s ind
  • her was d
  • they s ind
  • Sie s ind

An auxiliary used to make compound tenses as "tense" in French ("I sang" or "you put ") or "perfect" (ich habe Gelernter, ich habe telefoniert ) in German. [Nota Bene for large linguists are German teachers, the perfect name for linguists of German "present the completed ". I put the notes for teachers in brackets].

Revises well! Wiederhole fleißig!
