Berengard and his mother, Nathalie, and Tristan and all students of the colleges we want SCULPTURE GOOD LUCK IN THE NEW YEAR AND LEARN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE.
The teachers of the Saturday afternoon.
Dominique et Paul.
Bis bald!
You can combine "all regular verbs in the present indicative "on this model.
Attention! HAVE n'a pas de "b" au première et deuxième personnes du singulier ( you have, he has ).
An auxiliary used to make compound tenses as "tense" in French ("I sang" or "you put ") or "perfect" (ich habe Gelernter, ich habe telefoniert ) in German. [Nota Bene for large linguists are German teachers, the perfect name for linguists of German "present the completed ". I put the notes for teachers in brackets].
Revises well! Wiederhole fleißig!